Video #580, listed in: Knitting Videos, Knitting tips & tricks, Other knitting tips & tricks, Accessories, Knitting pattern tutorials, Mittens & Gloves
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Agneta Barryd wrote:
Vad betyder detta: lyft ökning till hö, Med hö sticka, lyft m under nästa m, flytta m till vä sticka och sticka den rät\r\noch lyft ökning till vä. Med hö sticka, lyft m under den som just stickat, flytta m till vä sticka och sticka den rät.
19.02.2021 - 17:24DROPS Design :
Hei Agneta. Hvilken oppskrift strikker du etter? Nå har du lagt ditt spørsmål under en generell video og for å hjelpe deg er det fint å vite hvilken oppskrift du strikker. Legg gjerne ditt spørsmål under selve oppskriften. mvh DROPS design
03.03.2021 - 11:15Marilyn wrote:
The video is so clear. I always struggled to pick up for the thumbs as I was left with holes on either side. Now I know what to do to make perfect thumbs!
30.01.2021 - 17:47Catherine wrote:
Merci beaucoup pour ces explications très claires, je les recherchées depuis longtemps sur internet sans être satisfaite des résultats.
20.01.2019 - 18:53Lieve Van Hoof wrote:
Very clear and helpfull video. I think I will try this. Thank you very much.
16.10.2017 - 20:30In Stitches wrote:
Best tutorial on thumbs - and in total silence! Allowing comments under the video is also helpful. I'm now going to check out your yarn. Many thanks to DROPS.
15.06.2017 - 19:13Anabel wrote:
Muy bien explicado
19.10.2016 - 11:05Piret wrote:
Aitäh, aitäh, aitäh! Oli väga abiks. Nii selge õpetus! Tänu pöidlakiilu "murele" sain teada, et Dropsil üldse selline suurepärane lehekülg on! Kõike ilusat!
25.03.2016 - 11:47Jadwiga wrote:
Fenomenalnie pokazane
05.01.2016 - 17:31Devogelaer Danielle wrote:
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo,elle est très claire et m'a vraiment aidée,maintenant les pouces ne seront plus un problème pour moi.
28.10.2015 - 08:59Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *.
In this DROPS video we show you how to work cables after chart A.1 in the mittens in Drops Extra 0-1207. In the video we have already cast on 40 sts, worked the rib and decreased to 34 sts. REMEMBER - you will also need to read the pattern to be able to follow. To see the pattern, go to: DROPS 0-1207
Gea Japnk-klepper wrote:
21.11.2021 - 00:08