Video #182, wymienione w: Knitting Videos, Increase, Basic increase techniques
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Inez Engström napisała:
I mitt mönster ska jag öka maskorna med 2 omslag i var ände av stickningen, 2 gånger. Går det att börja ett varv med att göra ett omslag, eller behöver jag sticka en vanlig rm först?
30.10.2024 - 15:59DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Hej Inez, ja du måste sticka en vanlig rm först.
01.11.2024 - 12:16Lis Armstrong napisała:
Strikker 43-10 Er det rigtigt at der skal være hul ved raglan lige før patentdelen (som jeg ser som raglanmasken) Synes at dette hul bliver stort når der skal strikkes ret på vrangsiden over omslaget også selv med drejet ret. På jeres video strikkes der også vrang på pinden tilbage. Kan jeg evt bruge en anden indtagning uden hul (har prøvet, men det giver ikke den ønskede effekt) når tilbagepinden er uden indtagninger. Hjælp ønskes Mvh. Lis
27.01.2023 - 09:17DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Hei Lis. Vil nok alltid bli et lite hull, selv om kastene strikkes vridd. Prøv evnt å stramme tråden før hvert kast. mvh DROPS Design
30.01.2023 - 08:52France Leclair napisała:
Bonjour Je ne comprends pas l'explication du "après la ligne du raglan" soit tricoter le jeté du patron 227-23. Sinon, avez-vous une vidéo explicatives? Merci
12.03.2022 - 19:37DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Bonjour Mme Leclair, la ligne du raglan correspond à la maille dénommée ainsi dans les explications, je cite: 1 maille endroit (= ligne du raglan), , vous allez ainsi augmenter soit avant soit après cette maille. Bon tricot!
14.03.2022 - 14:23Carolyn Hammond napisała:
Hi I have watched the video for the false ragan in English rib and I just cant get it to work. I said previously that the knit and pearl stitches are not done in UK style and this is confusing me completely as to where to have the carn back or front. please advise thanks you
01.09.2021 - 12:57DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Mrs Hammond, even if you work with the yarn in the right hand, it shouldn't be a problem, when working the English rib, just look in the video where the yarn is towards needle tip;: you need to have a yarn over worked over each slipped stitch. To make the false raglan you have to increase with a yarn over before 1st marker and after 4th marker and on the same row decrease after 2nd and before 3rd marker. If the increases with a yarn over is a problem for you, try any other technique to increase if it sounds easier for you. Hope this will help! Happy knitting!
02.09.2021 - 09:29Carolyn Hammond napisała:
Hi I am making the mans jumper in English rib and I just cannot phantom the false raglan. Could you explain or show a video in just UK knitting please. I am finding it very confusing with the European way of knitting in and amongst the YO etc. I can’t see where the wool is coming from on some of the video too so not sure if it’s on top ready to purl or below for knit. Thanks you.
31.08.2021 - 18:58DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Mrs Hammond, are you meaning this jumper? Maybe that video will help you: it's showing how to work the false raglan in this jumper DROPS Extra 0-898. Happy knitting!
01.09.2021 - 07:35Bettina Ørum Stuhr napisała:
Jeg kan ikke få linje 2 til at gå op. A1 starter med et omslag og A2 slutter med et omslag. Det er 2 omslag lige efter hinanden. Passer det?? Giver et meget stort hul.
24.01.2021 - 01:38DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Hei Bettina. Hvilken oppskrift strikker du etter? Om du legger spørsmålet under selve oppskriften eller skriver hvilken oppskrift det gjelder (også gjerne hvilken str du strikker), så er det lettere for oss å hjelpe deg. mvh DROPS design
25.01.2021 - 09:40Chantal Mayer napisała:
Bonsoir, j essaye de me entraîner a lire une grille, je rencontre une difficulté, mon échantillon chaque rang comporte 30 mailles différentes, dont, 6 jetés et 6 sujets simples, a la fin de ce rang, il me manque 6 mailles.... Je suppose que je bloque sur la façon de faire les sujets ou les jetés
26.11.2020 - 19:25DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Bonjour Mme Mayer, pourriez-vous poser votre question sur le modèle que vous tricotez? Ce sera bien plus simple de pouvoir vous répondre si nous pouvons voir le diagramme. Merci pour votre compréhension.
27.11.2020 - 07:50Sonja Faust napisała:
Hallo, I am knitting the Juliana cardigan pattern# bs-078 (drops 161-23) In the lace pattern at the bottom in A1 there are several yarn overs = a stitch increase each time but there are no decreases. The stitch count for A1 remains on 5 stitches until row 22. Help please. Thank you in advance.
25.09.2020 - 09:21DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Mrs Faust, on first row in A.1 you decrease sts in A.2 and in A.3 t then from row 3 you will make 1 yarn over in A.1 but A.1 should be always worked over 5 sts, this mean the last st in A.1 will now below to A.2 (where you will decrease 2 sts and make 2 yarn overs) and in A.3 you will decrease 2 sts and make 1 yarn over, this means that the number of yarn overs is compensate by the number of sts decreased in A.2/A.3 - make just sure there are always the same number of sts in each diagram (inserting markers between each repeat). Happy knitting!
25.09.2020 - 10:03Cynthia napisała:
In Children 34-4 it asks for a YO between two stitches. This is an increase. The diagram says I must have 21 stitches not increase. Im Confused. I understand to knit the back of the stitch to close the hole but that leaves me with the increase each time.
08.08.2020 - 16:35DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Cynthia, diagram A.2 is worked over 21 sts and you will make 8 yarn overs and decrease 4 sts 2 times: P2, K5 together, (yo, K1) x 7, yo, K5 tog, P2. Happy knitting!
10.08.2020 - 13:01Rous napisała:
Bonjour je fait le modèle taille M Darling 160/17 pul en rond comment faire les jeté sur l'endroit et les tricoter à l'envers ert avec maille endroits et envert merci beaucoup de votre aide
11.05.2020 - 07:01DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Bonjour Mme Rous, la vidéo indiquée en réponse sur votre question sur ce modèle vous aura-t'elle aidé? Bon tricot!
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