How to work German Short Rows – with a double stitch round on the needle

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How to work German Short Rows – with a double stitch back and forth on the needle

German short rows = The work is turned in the middle of a row. When working short rows, there will be a small hole - this can be closed by tightening the thread or using the German short row technique. Row 1 (= right side): Knit until where the piece is to be turned, turn, when it is knitted further there will be a small hole at the turn - this hole can be closed like this: Row 2 (= wrong side): Slip the 1st stitch from the left needle as if to purl, have the thread at the front towards you, place the thread over the right needle and tighten the thread well before purling the next stitch = the first stitch on the right needle has now become a double stitch (with a stitch and a thread). Purl until where the work is to be turned. Turn the work. Row 3 (= right side): Slip the 1st stitch from the left needle as if to purl, have the thread at the front towards you, place the thread over the right needle and tighten the thread well before knitting the next stitch = the first stitch on the right needle has now become a double stitch. Knit until the double stitch from the previous row and knit the double stitch so that the thread that was placed over the needle and the stitch is knitted together = 1 stitch. Knit until where the work is to be turned. Turn the work. Row 4 (= wrong side): Slip the 1st stitch from the left needle as if to purl, have the thread at the front towards you, place the thread over the right needle and tighten the thread well before purling the next stitch = the first stitch on the right needle has now become a double stitch. Purl until the double stitch from the previous row and purl the double stitch so that the thread that was placed over the needle and the stitch is purled together = 1 stitch. Purl until where the work is to be turned. Turn the work. Repeat 3rd and 4th row. We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video. This technique is used in several patterns - you can find patterns by clicking on the pictures below:

How to knit a hooded scarf, following DROPS pattern 253-61

In this DROPS video, we have already worked the hood (size L/XL) and placed the stitches on 2 stitch holders. We now show how to knit up stitches around the hood and work an I-cord bind-off until there are 2 stitches left on the row. These 2 stitches are placed on one of the stitch holders, while 2 stitches are picked up on the other side and placed on the second stitch holder. Read I-CORD BIND-OFF in the pattern text. Cut the strand. Place the stitches from one stitch holder back on the needles. Now we show you how to cast on stitches for the right-hand side of the scarf, work 1 row before knitting together the hood and scarf, starting mid-back. At the same time, you work I-cord edge stitches and moss stitch rib. Read the explanations in the pattern text, for I-CORD BIND-OFF, 2 I-CORD EDGE STITCHES, moss stitch rib and how the hood and scarf are joined. When all stitches are picked up from the hood (50 rows worked), the 2 stitches from the stitch holder are still separate and on the stitch holder (in the video they are placed on the needle). Knit these 2 stitches (in size S/M there are 3 stitches on the stitch holder, you then knit 1 and knit the other 2 stitches together). Then work back from the wrong side with 2 I-cord edge stitches, purl 2 together, work moss stitch rib until there are 3 stitches left, purl 1 and work 2 I-cord edge stitches. Read the explanation in the pattern text on how and where to bind off the scarf’s right-hand side. We show row 1 (from the right side) of the 8 first rows, then how to bind off on row 1 (from the right side). Now work the left-hand side of the scarf, then sew the cast-on edges on the right and left-hand sides of the scarf together mid-back, using grafting stitch. We use the yarns DROPS Daisy and DROPS Kid-Silk in the video, with the same colors and needle size as in the pattern.