Hvordan strikkes en delvis løs forkant

Keywords: cardigan, kant, retstrik,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan vi strikker en del af den løse forkant, for så at sy den fast til forstykket bagefter. Vi har allerede strikket halskant i rib med et knaphul og 5 kantmasker i hver side. Disse kantmasker strikkes i RETSTRIK og sættes på en maskeholder. Der slås en ny maske op i hver side, som skal lukkes af senere = kantmaske som strikkes i retstrik. Bærestykket strikkes i glatstrik og der tages ud ifølge opskrift. Derefter strikkes de løse forkanter til rigtige mål før de sættes sammen med bærestykket, da lukkes også kantmasken af. Husk at lukke af til knaphul.
Sy forkanten pænt på forstykket indenfor 1 kantmaske.

Vi bruger garnet DROPS Snow i videoen.
Denne forkant er brugt i jakken «Scent of pine Jacket» i DROPS 215-7, du finder opskriften ved at klikke på billedet under.

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Kommentarer (3)

Johanna Lakso wrote:

Thanks for all your great patterns! I have two questions. I do understand the technique in this video, but I don't understand the purpose of doing the edge loose? Was also mostly think about how to manage the pattern when knitting back and forth. Reading the pattern I think I will have the white yarn on the wrong side many times. Do you work with multiple yarn buns to make the pattern work?

07.12.2021 - 06:54

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lakso, this technique can be used when the piece is worked in another pattern as the front band stitches or when the front band stitches will be worked afterwards with another colour/pattern - garter stitch also tends to tighten piece in height, in that case, you will avoid this since you will work the garter stithch piece separately. You can sometimes work 2 rows from the same side, ie 2 rows from RS (or from WS) each row with a different colour. to avoid cutting yarn. Happy knitting!

07.12.2021 - 07:39

Johanna Lakso wrote:

Thanks for all your great patterns! I have two questions. I do understand the technique in this video, but I don't understand the purpose of doing the edge loose? Was also mostly think about how to manage the pattern when knitting back and forth. Reading the pattern I think I will have the white yarn on the wrong side many times. Do you work with multiple yarn buns to make the pattern work?

07.12.2021 - 06:53

Annette Perkins wrote:

I do not understand the Garter St. (Back and Forth on needle). I have watced the videos and read the instructions. But still don't know what it means. Please can you help?

19.09.2020 - 02:30

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Perkins, the video shows from 01:45 how we work the stitches in garter stitch (= back and forth), ie knit all stitches on every row. Happy knitting!

21.09.2020 - 15:57

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