Gabrielle wrote:
Bonjour Pour la manche il est dit "continuer en diminuant encore 2 m de chaque côté jusqu’à 55cm" (pour taille M). Il faut diminuer 1x2 mailles puis tricoter jusqu'à 55cm, ou diminuer 2 mailles tous les 2 rangs jusqu'à ce que la manche mesure 55cm ? Merci beaucoup !
08.12.2023 - 05:58DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Gabrielle, on va rabattre (et non diminuer, explications corrigées, merci) 2 mailles au début de chaque rang sur l'endroit et sur l'envers jusqu'à ce que la manche mesure 55 cm de hauteur totale, ajustez de sorte que vous ayez bien rabattu le même nombre de mailles de chaque côté pour que la tête de manche soit symétrique; rabattez encore 3 mailles au début des 2 rangs suivants et rabattez les mailles restantes. Bon tricot!
08.12.2023 - 08:46Liziko wrote:
Bonjour, pour le devant à 37 cm on diminue pour l'emmanchure(-3, -2, -1, -1) il reste donc 26m. Ensuite à 51cm on rabat pour l'encolure 10m puis 2 fois 1m soit 12m il devrait donc rester 14m? Par avance merci.
03.06.2020 - 22:23DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Liziko, il vous manque 2 m pour l'encolure: 1 x 10 m + 1 x 2 m et 2 x 1 m = soit: 37 m - 7 m emmanchure - 14 m encolure = 12 m pour l'épaule. Bon tricot!
04.06.2020 - 08:55Eva wrote:
Kan jeg bruke to tråder Brushed alpaca silk på denne? Bør jeg da gå opp eller ned i pinnestørrelse eller følge pinneforslaget? Takk for svar.
20.04.2020 - 14:35DROPS Design answered:
Hej Eva, ja det kan du og du kan prøve vores garn omregner for at se hvor meget garn du skal bruge. Prøv at lave en strikkeprøve med pind 8 først, husk at du skal have den strikkefasthed der står i opskriften (11 m på 10 cm i bredden) God fornøjelse!
21.04.2020 - 14:05Linda wrote:
I have completed the body of this sweater and blocked the pieces. I used Eskimo yarn and the proper sized needles. My gauge swatch was spot on but when I sewed the shoulder seams and tried it on, it is clear that the sweater is not a small. It's about two sizes too big. Had I known this would happen I would have used smaller needles. Sad, because I really like the pattern and the extra long ribbing that makes it nip in at the waist.
01.12.2019 - 00:09Darlene Krystal wrote:
I just finished.....pinned the them tomorrow.....have been working on it all day to get it made....Used Barcelona Nimbus by Loops and Threads......the hoodie with the rib going all the way to the top.....was a nice rib and so smooth a pattern to make....thank husband just told me it looks very nice......that is so good.....have very nice day......
17.05.2017 - 07:56Ophelia wrote:
Rectificatif pour la taille M : pour les emmanchures dos, rabattre de chaque coté 1 fois 3m, 1 fois 2m, 2 fois 1m.
29.12.2013 - 23:56DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Ophelia et merci, l'indication manquante a été ajoutée. Bon tricot!
30.12.2013 - 16:11Jeanet Beukers wrote:
Ik heb een tip voor de voorpanden. Als je na de 24 cm boordsteek over gaat in de gerstekorrel is het het mooiste om eerst (rechtervoorpand) 5 ribbelsteek te breien en de gerstekorrel te beginnen met 1 averecht. Zo krijg je een mooie afscheiding tussen de knoopsgatbies en de rest van het voorpand. Bovendien eindig je dan met 2 keer recht en na het afkanten voor de armsgaten, hou je 1 steek recht over aan het eind.
14.01.2012 - 19:59Carsta Von Felskog wrote:
FERTIG !!!petrolfarbene stretchwolle (ndst 4,5) hab ich gewählt und den kapuzenübergang von modell 80-18 verwendet. sitzt wie angegossen.danke für das schöne design carsta-clarice von felskog
01.12.2009 - 08:00DROPS Deutsch wrote:
Am Schluss der Anleitung finden Sie alle Massangaben.
01.04.2009 - 11:38Sabrina wrote:
Die Grössenangaben sind schwer abzuschätzen, wenn man nicht weiss, welche Grösse (S oder M) man nehmen soll. Könntet ihr vielleicht z.B. Taillenumfang angeben?
01.04.2009 - 11:33
DROPS 97-4 |
DROPS Cardigan with hood knitted in Snow
DROPS 97-4 |
Knitting Gauge: 11 sts x 15 rows on needles size 8 mm in moss sts = 10 x 10 cm. Moss sts: 1st row: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-*. 2nd row: K over P and P over K. Repeat the 2nd row. Garter sts (back and forth on needle): Knit all rows. Buttonhole: Cast off for button hole on the right front edge as follows: Cast off the 3rd st from the centre front. On the next row cast on a new st over the cast off st. Cast off for button holes as follows: Size S: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40 and 48 cm Size M: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40 and 50 cm Size L: 4, 14, 23, 33, 42 and 52 cm Size XL: 4, 14, 24, 34, 44 and 54 cm Size XXL: 4, 15, 25, 36, 46 and 56 cm Back piece: Cast on 51-57-60-66-72 sts (incl. of 1 edge st each side) on needles size 8 mm in Snow. P the 1st row from the WS. Continue the next row as follows from the RS: 1 edge st, *K1, P2*, repeat from *-* and finish with K1 and 1 edge st. Continue the Rib until the piece measures 24-24-24-25-26 cm. Then continue in moss sts. When the piece measures 36-37-38-39-40 cm cast off for armholes on every other row as follows: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 0-1-1-2-3 times and 1 st 2-2-3-3-4 times = 41-43-44-46-46 sts. When the piece measures 54-56-58-60-62 cm cast off the centre 17-17-18-20-20 sts for the neck. Cast off 1 more st each neck side = 11-12-12-12-12 sts left for each shoulder. Cast off remaining sts when the piece measures 56-58-60-62-64 cm. Right front: Cast on 30-33-36-39-42 sts (incl. of 1 edge st at the side and 5 edge sts at the centre front) on needles size 8 in Snow. P the 1st row from the WS. Continue the next row as follows from the centre front: 5 edge st knitted in garter sts throughout, *K1, P2*, repeat from *-* and finish with 1 edge st. Remember to cast off for buttonholes – see explanation above. Continue the Rib until the piece measures 24-24-24-25-26 cm. Then continue in moss sts. When the piece measures 36-37-38-39-40 cm cast off for armhole at the side as done for the back piece = 25-26-28-29-29 sts. When the piece measures 49-51-53-55-57 cm cast off the centre 10-10-12-13-13 outermost sts at the centre front, for the neck. Continue to cast off for the neck at the centre front on every other row as follows: 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 2 times = 11-12-12-12-12 sts left for the shoulder. Cast off remaining st when the piece measures 56-58-60-62-64 cm. Left front: Knit as right front but reverse. Sleeve: Cast on 26-29-29-32-32 sts (incl. of 1 edge each side) on needles size 8 mm in Snow. P the 1st row from the WS. Continue the next row as follows from the RS: 1 edge st *K1, P2*, repeat from *-* and finish with 1 edge st. Continue the Rib until the piece measures 20 cm. Then continue in moss sts. When the piece measures 20 cm inc. 1 st each side on every 3.5-3.5-3-3.5-2.5 cm a total of 8-8-9-9-11 times = 42-45-47-50-54 sts. When the piece measures 47-47-47-46-46 cm cast off for the sleeve cap each side on every other row: 3sts 1 time, 2 sts 1-1-2-2-2 times and 1 st 2 times, continue to cast off 2 sts each side until the piece measures 54-55-56-56-57 cm, then cast off 3 sts 1 time each side. Cast off remaining sts when the piece measures approx. 55-56-57-57-58 cm. Assembly: Sew the shoulder seams. Insert the sleeves and sew the sleeve and side seams inside 1 edge st. Sew in the buttons. Hood: Pick up approx. 49-55 sts around the neck (incl. the front edges) on needle size 8 mm in Snow. P the 1st row from the WS at the same time inc. 10 sts evenly distributed on row and then K 1 row from the RS. Now knit in moss sts with 5 edge sts each side knitted in garter sts until the hood measures 32-32-34-34-34 cm. Cast off. Fold the hood double and sew it tog with invisible mattress sts at the top. |
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