Zszywanie: kapcie na szydełku

Keywords: kapcie,

W tym video pokazujemy jak zszyć kapcie na szydełku, wzdłuż cholewki i dalej na podeszwie. Złożyć kapeć lewą stroną do lewej i zszywać na prawej stronie robótki, brzeg do brzegu, aby szew nie był zbyt gruby.

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Komentarze (3)

Kum wrote:

Thank you for sharing this lovely and easy pattern. However, the pattern is for upper part of the boot but nothing for the base!! Do you have a pattern for the base I would really appreciate it if you can share it as well. Thank you once again.

19.11.2020 - 14:43

Chris wrote:

AAAAAH, not so hard :). Thank you, I will make this lovely slipper.

26.09.2017 - 01:26

Dennis Fleming wrote:

Where is the video, nothing attached to assembly video. I clicked on another video and there was a video attached. I would like to see how the boot assembles. Thank you

21.12.2015 - 23:37

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mr Fleming, do you mean this video related to pattern DROPS Extra 0-888?

22.12.2015 - 11:04

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