Helle Collin wrote:
Hej. Jeg er netop startet på første ben. Efter 5 cm skal man begynde at tage ind. Det er jo der hvor låret er tykkest, i hvert fald på mig (jeg strikker XXL). ;-D Bliver det så ikke alt for stramt om låret? Mvh. Helle
04.12.2024 - 12:32DROPS Design answered:
Hei Helle. Du har allerede strikket 5 cm av låret og nå starter fellingene. Det skal ikke bli for stramt og du feller ved hver 4. omgang 54 ganger. Du vil da få en pent avfellingslinje på innsiden av foten nedover hele arbeidet. Hele buksen er strikket i vrangbord (2rett/2vrang), så den blir elastisk. Om du mener avfellingen starter for tidlig i forhold til dine lår, kan du evnt strikke noen cm til, men da må du avpasse slik at alle fellingene er ferdig før du feller av til slutt. mvh DROPS Design
09.12.2024 - 09:54
Anna Maria Monaco wrote:
È bellissimo. La spiegazione è molto chiara. Ma io dopo un po' mi sono persa perché sono principiante. Non si potrebbe avere un tutorial? Per favore 🙏
27.10.2024 - 14:09DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Anna Maria, non abbiamo un tutorial per l'intero modello, ma se ci dice quale parte le crea difficoltà, possiamo provare ad aiutare in modo più dettagliato. Buon lavoro!
27.10.2024 - 23:37
Radhika wrote:
Hi, I love the pattern but I find Fabel itchy. What other yarn could I use? I’m guessing it needs to be as stretchy as Fabel which is why I’m not just using the yarn converter. Thank you
18.10.2024 - 19:23DROPS Design answered:
Dear Radhika, any other yarn from the yarngroup A should do, but you will have to knit a gauge swatch and calculate the stitch-count and the necessary amount based on that. Happy Knitting!
19.10.2024 - 07:39
Claire Turner wrote:
Could I turn these into tights? With feet? Making the largest size.
20.05.2024 - 18:57DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Turner, probably, you would then have to adjust the feet, but we only have pattern for tights without feet. Happy knitting!
21.05.2024 - 13:58
Tina wrote:
Hej. Tak for denne fine opskrift. Nu spørger den bedre halvdel om de ikke findes til herre?
26.03.2024 - 02:24DROPS Design answered:
Hej Tina, det gør den ikke, men mon ikke du kan følge samme opskrift?
03.04.2024 - 12:05
Ruth Stephen wrote:
Hi, I am knitting size XL and have completed the decreases on the first leg. While trying the leggings the length is a bit short not 81 cm when I measure from the inside (where the marker was). Do I continue up to 81cm without decreases?
07.01.2024 - 22:09DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Stephen, correct, just continue to the requested length, but without decrease anymore. Happy knitting!
09.01.2024 - 08:04
Kirsty Matthews wrote:
Hello me again!! I have got to the legs, and have started the rounds. However when I did the divide for the legs it wasn’t clear if the yarn needed to be carried around, now I have a bit of yarn restricting my leg. I will sort it out, but for future do I break yarn and then reconnect? I mean when I slip stitches onto holder, after then when I do the gusset stitches.
24.11.2023 - 21:04DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kirsty, yes, you should cut the yarn and then rejoin when you start the next part of the piece. Happy knitting!
26.11.2023 - 22:47
Kirsty Matthews wrote:
Hello do I have to do the short rows? Can I not just do straight rib until separation for legs?
10.11.2023 - 09:49DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Matthews, short rows will help to make the back higher for a better shape, reason why they are worked. Happy knitting!
10.11.2023 - 11:27
Kirsty Matthews wrote:
Hello, I have cast on and tried about 5 times, and I do the short rows fine but when I go to do the next round after turning I can’t get it right- I have a hole!! How do I rectify this or can I do it without the short rows?
09.11.2023 - 20:27
Lisa Van Doornik wrote:
Zou ik dit patroon ook kunnen haken? Ik ben geen brei-ster.
29.08.2023 - 12:36DROPS Design answered:
Dag Lisa,
Helaas hebben we alleen een breipatroon hiervan.
04.09.2023 - 20:33
So Cosy |
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Knitted DROPS tights with rib in "Fabel". Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 165-32 |
INCREASE TIP: Inc on each side of 2 K sts by working 1 YO. On next round work YOs twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st). Work the inc sts in rib, i.e. K first 2 sts inc, and P the next 2 sts etc. DECREASE TIP: Work until 2 sts remain before marker, then K 2 tog and K 2 twisted tog (work in back loop of st) (= 2 sts dec). ---------------------------------------------------------- TIGHTS: Worked in the round, top down. Rounds start mid back. Cast on 216-240-256-280-304-344 sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with Fabel. Insert 1 marker at beg of round (= mid back) and 1 marker after 108-120-128-140-152-172 sts (= mid front). Work rib from mid back as follows: K 1, * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-*, finish with P 2 and K 1. When piece measures 5 cm, work an elevation at the back as follows: Work 11 sts in rib, turn, tighten yarn, work 22 sts in rib on return, turn, tighten yarn, work 32 sts in rib. Continue like this by working 10 sts more on every turn until a total of 162-182-202-202-242-262 sts have been worked. Turn, continue in the round over all sts again until piece measures 21-23-24-26-28-30 cm mid front. On next round, inc 1 st on each side of the middle 2 sts at the front and back – SEE INCREASE TIP! Repeat inc on every other round a total of 10-10-12-12-13-13 times = 256-280-304-328-356-396 sts. When piece measures 27-29-31-33-35-37 cm mid front, cast off the first 7-7-7-9-9-9 sts, slip 114-126-138-146-160-180 sts on 1 stitch holder (= leg), leave the next 14-14-14-18-18-18 sts on the needle (= gusset), slip 114-126-138-146-160-180 sts on 1 stitch holder (= leg), cast off the remaining 7-7-7-9-9-9 sts. Then work 9-10-11-12-13-14 cm rib over the 14-14-14-18-18-18 sts for gusset, cast off with K over K and P over P and fasten them to the 14-14-14-18-18-18 sts cast off mid back. LEG: Slip the 114-126-138-146-160-180 sts from one stitch holder on a short circular needle size 2,5 mm, pick in addition up 22-26-30-34-36-36 sts along one side of the gusset = 136-152-168-180-196-216 sts. Continue rib - insert 1 marker on inside of leg. When leg measures 5 cm, dec 1 st on each side of marker - READ DECREASE TIP. Dec every 10th-8th-6th-6th-5th-4th round 24-30-36-40-46-54 times in total = 88-92-96-100-104-108 sts. When leg measures 78-79-80-81-82-83 cm (try when working, adjust leg length), loosely cast off with K over K and P over P. Slip sts from the other leg back on needle and work as first leg. |
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