Silvia wrote:
Vorrei fare lo stesso cappello ma con un filato più piccolo? Potreste darmi un’indicazione su come procedere nella prima parte del lavoro? L’uncinetto che vorrei usare è 4.5
04.01.2021 - 19:46DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Silvia, per un aiuto così personalizzato può rivolgersi al suo rivenditore DROPS di fiducia. Buon lavoro!
05.01.2021 - 11:10
Alessandra wrote:
Buongiorno, quanti centimetri dovrebbe essere grande il pompom? Grazie
29.02.2020 - 16:45DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Alessandra. La misura è a piacere. In linea di massima, 10-13 cm circa. Buon lavoro!
01.03.2020 - 08:24
Christiane wrote:
Hallo, ich habe die Mütze gestern gehäkelt. Gr. 56/57 und folgende Anmerkung: die Länge von 23 cm ist sehr sehr kurz. reicht gerade so über die Ohren und sieht gar nicht so aus wie auf dem Foto, wo die Mütze noch sehr viel Platz hinten hat. Wenn die Wolle gereicht hätte, hätte ich noch 5cm drangehäkelt, aber die 2 Knäuel haben gerade so für die 23 cm + Bommel gelangt. Meiner Tochter gefällt sie aber trotzdem ;-) Viele Grüße Christiane
26.09.2017 - 11:37
Toni wrote:
The pattern states it is written in British English terms. To complete pattern in Americain English do I crochet a " single crochet" where the pattern indicates "double crochet"? Do I start each round with "1 chain" where the pattern indicates "3 chain"? Pattern is confusing and should have an option to view instructions in British or Americain English to avoid pattern errors. Thank you.
23.12.2015 - 14:24
Chantal wrote:
Bonjour, je ne comprends pas la signification 4-4-4-5-5 pour la partie rayure. J aimerais que l on m explique combien de tours bleu et combiens de brides pour cette section. Merci.
22.09.2015 - 05:01DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Chantal, ce bonnet existe en 5 tailles, ainsi, pour les 3 premières tailles, on crochète 4 tours bleu foncé, mais dans les 2 grandes tailles (femme et homme), on crochète 5 tours bleu foncé. Le nombre de brides sera différent en fonction de la taille choisie: 39 à 48 B. Bon crochet!
22.09.2015 - 10:59
Paula Maria Pacheco wrote:
Tentei fazer este gorro, mas não me está a correr bem: depois dos aumentos da 4ª carreira ficam 47 pontos que não me parecem suficiente para o perímetro de 56/56. Além disso, vendo bem a foto, parece-me que tem algum remate final, que não vem nas explicações. Obrigada!
08.09.2014 - 16:56
MEGAN wrote:
Hi, I don't understand this pattern at all. When I read this pattern all I see is chain 4 stitches, then make a ring and then 10 dc into that ring. I'm clearly missing something because I'm not getting a ring that could go around a head! Please help!
27.01.2014 - 03:46DROPS Design answered:
Dear Megan, at the end of 1st round, join with 1 sl st in 1st dc, and continue round 2-3 inc as stated, you should get 33 dc. Work then 1 more round inc 6-8-10 dc evenly (see size) = 39-41-43 sts and continue in dc in the round until piece measures 23-24-25 cm. Remember to check your gauge. Happy crocheting!
27.01.2014 - 09:44
Eline wrote:
Deze muts is met het buigeleverde patroon niet te haken met 2 bollen. Zeker niet als er 2 kleuren worden gebruikt, dan is er te weinig van de hoofdkleur. Ik heb het op alle mogelijkemanieren geprobeerd, strak gehaakt, andere naald gebruikt, iemand anders laten haken. Maar tot aan de witte rand is al 1 hele bol blauw vereist. Ik raad dus iedereen aan een extra bol te bestellen.
29.12.2013 - 15:07
Lily wrote:
Bonjour, il y a 2 erreurs, dans les augmentations pour hommes et femmes : "Après le 4ème tour, crocheter le tour suivant ainsi : faire 1 B dans chaque B en même temps, répartir 6-8-10-5-8 augmentations" Ce n'est pas 6-8-10-5-8, mais 6-8-10-15-18. Merci pour ce joli modèle
28.11.2013 - 23:40DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Lily, le nbe de mailles est juste, à la fin du 3ème tour, vous avez 40 B pour les 2 dernières tailles, au 4ème tour, vous augmentez 5 B en taille Femme et 8 B en taille Homme pour avoir un total de 45 B en taille Femme et 48 en taille Homme. Bon crochet!
29.11.2013 - 09:02
Berta wrote:
Hola!! No entiendo muy bien que queréis decir en la primera vuelta hacer 10-10-10-12-12, que son 5 vueltas en realidad de 10 puntos ect...?? Muchas gracias!!
21.09.2013 - 21:53DROPS Design answered:
Hola Berta. Las indicaciones 10-10-10-12-12 pts corresponden a las tallas 3/5 – 6/9 – 10/14 años – Mujer - Hombre: 10 pts para la talla 3/5, 10 para la talla 6/9, 10 para la talla 10/14, 12 para la de mujer y 12 para la de hombre.
23.09.2013 - 11:18
Ski Fun |
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Crochet DROPS hat in "Snow".
DROPS Extra 0-751 |
CROCHET INFO: Beg every tr round with 3 ch instead of 1 tr. Finish every round with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. CIRCLE: 1st round: Crochet 4 ch on hook size 7 mm with Snow and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work 10-10-10-12-12 tr in ch-ring. Read crochet info! 2nd round: * 1 tr in first tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 15-15-15-18-18 tr. 3rd round: * 1 tr in first tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 22-22-22-27-27 tr. 4th round: * 1 tr in first tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 33-33-33-40-40 tr. Stripe colours: 4-4-4-5-5 dark blue, 4 off white, then continue with dark blue until finished measurements. Note: Change colour at the end of round so that the new colour starts with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. -------------------------------------------------------- HAT Start with first stripe colour and work a circle - see explanation above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When 4th round have been worked, work next round as follows: Work tr in every tr and inc 6-8-10-5-8 tr evenly = 39-41-43-45-48 tr. Continue to work 1 tr in every tr until piece measures approx. 23-24-25-26-26 cm. Cut and fasten the thread. Make a large pompom in off white and fasten it at the top of the hat. |
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