Anne Moers wrote:
Goededag, Ik ben op zoek naar een model voor een pullover voor een man met een rolkraag,maat xxl. Te verwezenlijken in haakwerk. Hartelijk dank bij voorbaat.
09.12.2021 - 16:16DROPS Design answered:
Dag Anne,
We hebben helaas weinig tot geen gehaakte kledingstukken voor heren.
10.12.2021 - 10:10
Buenas noches: No entiendo lo de los aumentos en la 6 vuelta 1-4-7-10-1. Gracias
07.05.2020 - 05:13DROPS Design answered:
Hola JANETH, el nombre depende de la talla que hagas (p.ej. aumentas 1 punto en la talla 3/5 anos, etc.). Cómo aumentar/disminuir puntos distribuidos equitativamente encontrara AQUI. Buen trabajo!
20.11.2020 - 11:04
Lole wrote:
Mi hijo está encantado con el gorro. Lo he combinado en tonos azules y grises
25.10.2015 - 21:22
Sonia Zucchelli wrote:
Salve, avrei una domanda in merito al numero di maglie dopo l'ultimo aumento. Se alla fine del 6° giro ho 72 maglie, e devo aumentarne 10 (taglia donna), perché alla fine viene segnalato un totale di 70 maglie? Non dovrebbero essere 82 maglie? Grazie mille per l'aiuto!! :) Sonia
24.02.2015 - 14:14DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Sonia. Per la taglia da donna, deve lavorare solo i primi 5 giri indicati sotto il paragrafo cerchio (il sesto giro viene lavorato solo nella taglia Uomo). Dopo questi 5 giri avrà 60 m.a. Al sesto giro aumenta 10 m.a per un totale di 70 m.a. Buon lavoro!
24.02.2015 - 15:23
Tatiana García González wrote:
Tengo una duda en relación al comienzo. De cuantos puntos es el Círculo mágico inicial? Gracias
26.11.2014 - 12:33DROPS Design answered:
Hola Tatiana. Aquí tienes el video del círculo mágico Pero para este patrón no lo necesitas. Se comienza montando 4 cad en la ag.
30.11.2014 - 19:35
Carie wrote:
I do not really understand the 5-5-5-5-6 or the inc 1-4-7-10-1. Can you explain this a little better. I've been trying to figure it out and can't. Thanks!
15.10.2014 - 23:01DROPS Design answered:
Dear Carie, each number apply to the size in the given order, ie pattern is in size 3/5 years - 6/9 years - 10/14 years - Woman - Man, In the first 4 sizes, you will work 5 rounds, in the last size, you will work 6 rounds. Then work 1 inc in 1st size, 4 inc in 2nd size, 7 inc in 3rd size ... Happy crocheting!
16.10.2014 - 09:39
Penille wrote:
Hvor meget garn går der til de forskellige størrelser?
29.10.2013 - 20:53DROPS Design answered:
Hovsa! Vi skal nok få lagt garnforbruget ind i opskriften!
30.10.2013 - 09:17
Aida wrote:
Que significa 5ª-5ª-5ª-5ª? son 4 filas de acuerdo como describe la 5ª vuelta? o 4 filas de 60 p.a.?
11.12.2012 - 21:22DROPS Design answered:
Hola Aída, en los tamaños de gorro para 3/5 - 6/9 - 10/14 años - Mujer trabajar el círculo hasta la 5a vta, y en el tamaño de gorro para Hombre trabajar hasta la 6a vta. Después trabajar la vta sig así: 1 p.a. en cada p.a. y aum 1-4-7-10-1 p.a. distribuidos equitativamente = 61-64-67-70-73 p.a.
15.12.2012 - 23:29Celeste wrote:
A que se refiere con 5ª-5ª-5ª-5ª-6ª? quiere decir que debo dar 4 filas de 60 p.a. o que debo aumentar según dice la 5ª vuelta?
11.12.2012 - 09:46DROPS Design answered:
Hola Celeste, despues de la 5ª-5ª-5ª-5ª-6ª vta (se refiere a las 5 tallas indicadas) aumentas el número de p.a. correspondiente a la talla que trabajas y luego continuas sin aumentar hasta completar las medidas.
11.12.2012 - 14:40
An wrote:
Is als beginner heel verwarrend. Er wordt van breien gesproken in een haakpatroon. 1e rondte: Brei 4 l op haaknld 5 mm met Alaska, brei 11 stk in 1e l = 12 stk Lees Informatie voor het haken! En moet het niet 11 stkskes zijn in gemaakte ring?
04.12.2012 - 08:14DROPS Design answered:
Het moet inderdaad "Haak" zijn. Een klein foutje in de vertaling. Is nu aangepast. het is 12 stk. Je begint met 4 l (= vervanging van de 1e stk) en daarna 11 stk = 12 stk op de toer.
04.12.2012 - 15:17
Awesome Winter |
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Crochet DROPS hat in ”Alaska”.
DROPS Extra 0-748 |
Crochet info: Replace first tr at beg of every round with 3 ch. Finish every row with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Circle: 1st round: Work 4 ch on hook size 5 mm with Alaska, work 11 tr in 1st ch = 12 tr Read Crochet info! 2nd round: 2 tr in every tr = 24 tr. 3rd round: * 1 tr in first tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 36 tr. 4th round: * 1 tr in each of the first 2 tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 48 tr. 5th round: * 1 tr in each of the first 3 tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 60 tr. 6th round: * 1 tr in each of the first 4 tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 72 tr. Stripe colours: 2 rounds red, 1 round off white, 1 rounds navy blue, 1 rounds off white, 3 rounds red, 2 rounds off white, 3 rounds navy blue, 2 rounds off white – then continue with red until finished measurements. Note: Change colour at the end of round so that the new colour starts with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. ------------------------------------------------------------------ HAT Start with first stripe colour and work a circle - see explanation above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When 5th-5th-5th-5th-6th round have been worked, work next round as follows: Work 1 tr in every tr and inc 1-4-7-10-1 tr evenly = 61-64-67-70-73 tr. Continue to work 1 tr in every tr until piece measures approx. 19-20-20-21-21 cm. Cut and fasten the thread. |
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