Lisa Cunningham wrote:
I have 105 stitches at the neckline after all decreases at the raglan shoulders. I’ve counted up all the stitch counts along the way and can’t see where I might have gone wrong. Can anyone help me out?
21.09.2022 - 03:34DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Cunnignham, did you also cast off on each side for neckline ? Before Raglan decreases are done, when piece measures 23-35 cm (see size), you have to cast off at the beginning of every row on each side (both from RS and from WS for both front pieces) 5-6-8 (9-10) sts 1 time and then 1 st 2 times. Hope it can help. Happy knitting!
21.09.2022 - 09:23Lisa wrote:
Kette ich beim Halsausschnitt (Größe 50/56) 5 Maschen und dann nochmal zwei, also insgesamt 7 Maschen nacheinander ab oder ist eine normale Masche dazwischen?
07.08.2022 - 17:58DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Lisa, für den Hals ketten Sie zuerst 5 Maschen am Anfang der 2 nächsten Reihen dann 1 Masche am Anfang der 4 nächsten Reihe, dh 5 M x 1 Mal + 1 M x 2 Mal auf beiden Seiten. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
08.08.2022 - 07:59Anna wrote:
Hallo ich habe eine Frage zur Blende: mit welcher Nadelgröße nehme ich die Maschen auf? 3,5 oder 4,5? Danke für die Antwort und sehr süßes Strickmuster!
07.03.2022 - 20:41DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Anna, die Blende stricken Sie mit der Nadel 3,5 - danke für den Hinweis, die deutsche Anleitung wird angepasst. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
08.03.2022 - 11:04Jolanda Poelstra wrote:
Er staat bij de mouw van dit vestje, wordt in de rondte gebreid....maar verderop staat brei 1 nld r, 1 nld av... Maar in de rondte brei je toch alleen recht???
02.01.2022 - 21:26DROPS Design answered:
Dag Jolanda,
Vlak na de boord brei je 1 naald recht en 1 naald averecht in de rondte, daarna ga je verder in tricotsteek. Hierdoor ontstaat er een ribbel vlak na de boord.
06.01.2022 - 10:02Magda wrote:
Próbuję zrobić ten sweterek, jednak źle mi się przerabia po przełożeniu rękawów ponad zamknięte oczka na podkrój rekawów (oczka ciężko się przesuwają 0po drucie, a włóczka się przeciera) . Chcialabym zrobić rękawy osób o i dosyć, ale jak wtedy zamykać oczka? W co drugim rzędzie po 1 oczku z każdej strony?
22.11.2021 - 19:33DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Magdo, wzór Frosty Christmas TUTAJ, był wykonywany tak, że reglanowe rękawy były wykonywane oddzielnie i doszywane. Zobacz instrukcje video, które znajdują się na dole tego wzoru. Pozdrawiamy!
23.11.2021 - 11:37Brigitte Tressel wrote:
Blenden stricken: Anleitung 1 M Krausrippe und 2 M re stricken. Nur oben und unten? Was heißt hier von der rechten Seite gesehen? Die Maschenzahl teilbar durch vier geht eigentlich nur, wenn ich 2re und 2 links stricke.
09.06.2021 - 11:02DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Tressel, so sollen Sie die Blende stricken (bei einer Hinreihe): 1 Randmasche krausrrechts, *2 M re, 2 M li*, von *-* wiederholen bis noch 3 M übrig sind, 2 M re, 1 Randmasche krausrechts, dh es sind beidseitig 1 Randmasche kraus rechts und 2 M re (am Anfang der Hinreihe) und Reihe endet mit 2 M re und 1 Randmasche krausrechts. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
09.06.2021 - 15:09Brigitte Tressel wrote:
Babyjackchen Little Petunia ( 12-14 Monate) : Mein Problem: Abnahmen Raglan Passe. Mit Ärmelmaschen 188 Maschen auf der Rundstricknadel. Anleitung Passe: Bei der 3. Reihe 16 Maschen abnehmen , dann bei jeder 4. Reihe 6 mal wieder 16 Maschen abnehmen . Es verbleiben nach Abzug der abgeketteten Halsmaschen 56 Maschen, 16 weniger als die angegebenen. Ist der Fehler die Abnahme in der ditten Reihe? Die Passe wäre dann ja auch unregelmäßig.
24.05.2021 - 18:30DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Tressel, Es sind 188 Maschen am Anfang der Passe und es wird 16 Maschen insgesamt 6 Mal für den Raglan abgenommen (= 16 x 6 = 96 M) - für den Hals legen Sie 8 Maschen beidseitig still + 1 M x 2 x 2 Seiten werden abgekettet (= 10 M beidseitig) = 188 - 96 - 20 =72 Maschen sind jetzt übrig. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
25.05.2021 - 09:00Gabriella Wibring wrote:
Behöver jag verkligen använda hjälpsticka vid raglanminskning? Svårt att förstå hur jag skall göra raglanminskning? Kommer inte vidare! Mvh Gabriella
05.05.2021 - 20:29DROPS Design answered:
Hej Gabrielle, nej det gør du som du vil, men for at antal masker skal stemme bør du tage 2 masker ind ved hver raglanindtagning :)
07.05.2021 - 14:36Nina wrote:
Nog een verheldring op mijn vorige vraag. Je zet de markeerdraad toch op aan het begin en het einde van de naald? Dus het afkanten is ook aan het begin en einde, ofwel 4 steken aan iedere kant. De verwarring ontstaat doordat er wordt gezegd dat dit het "midden" van de onderarm is. Maar zolang je nog niets hebt vast gemaakt, zijn het de uiteinden van de mouw, toch?
16.04.2021 - 10:00Nina wrote:
Wanneer je de mouw afkant voordat je deze samen met het lijfje op de rondbreinaald zet, kant je 4 steken aan iedere kant af, of acht aan één kant? Dit staat niet zo duidelijk beschreven.
15.04.2021 - 21:42DROPS Design answered:
Dag Nina,
De afgekante steken moeten midden onder de mouw zitten, dus 4 steken aan elke kant van de markeerdraad.
16.04.2021 - 09:11
Little Petunia |
Knitted jacket with raglan sleeve for baby and children in DROPS Merino Extra Fine
DROPS Baby 17-4 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan): Dec 2 sts on each side of all markers = 16 dec per round, from the RS. Beg 5 sts before marker and dec as follows: Slip 2 sts on cable needle in front of piece, *slip first st on cable needle (st furthest to the right) as if to K, K first st on left needle, psso *, repeat from *-* 1 more time, K2 (marker sits between these 2 sts), slip 2 sts on cable needle behind piece, * K tog first st on left needle with first st on cable needle (st furthest to the right) *, repeat from *-* 1 more time. ---------------------------------------------------------- BODY PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front. Cast on 124-139-154 (169-184) sts (includes 1 edge st each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Merino Extra Fine. Continue as follows from RS: 1 edge st in garter st – SEE ABOVE, * K2, P3 *, repeat from *-*, and finish with K2 and 1 edge st in garter st. Work 5 rows rib like this and on next row (= WS) dec all K3 to K2 = 100-112-124 (136-148) sts. Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm, K 1 row from RS, K 1 row from WS and continue in stocking st with 1 garter st each side. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 16-17-21 (23-25) cm work next row as follows from RS: work 21-24-27 (30-33) sts = right front piece, cast off 8 sts for armhole, work 42-48-54 (60-66) sts = back piece, cast off 8 sts for armhole, work 21-24-27 (30-33) sts = left front piece. Put piece aside and knit the sleeves. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 40-40-45 (45-50) sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with Merino Extra Fine. Work 5 rounds rib, K2/P3. On next round dec all P3 to P2 = 32-32-36 (36-40) sts. Change to needle size 4.5 mm, K 1 round and P 1 round. Insert 1 marker at beg of round = mid under arm. Continue in stocking st, AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 5 cm inc 1 st on each side of marker, and repeat the inc on every 7-5-7 (6-7) round a total of 4-6-6 (8-8) times = 40-44-48 (52-56) sts. When sleeve measures 16-17-21 (24-28) cm cast off 8 sts mid under arm = 32-36-40 (44-48) sts left. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve. YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle as body piece where cast off for armholes = 148-168-188 (208-228) sts. Insert a marker in all transitions between sleeves and body piece = 4 markers. Continue back and forth on needle in stocking st with 1 garter st each side, AT THE SAME TIME on 3rd row dec 2 sts on each side of all markers – SEE DECREASING TIP, and repeat the dec on every 4th row a total of 5-6-6 (7-8) times. NECKLINE: AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 23-25-28 (32-35) cm cast off to shape the neckline at the beg of every row from mid front: 5-6-8 (9-10) sts 1 time and then 1 st 2 times. After all dec for raglan and neckline there are 54-56-72 (74-76) sts left on row and piece measures approx 27-29-33 (37-40) cm. Slip sts on a stitch holder. POCKET: Cast on 12-16-16 (20-20) sts on double pointed needle size 3.5 mm and work garter st back and forth on needles for 4-5-5 (6-7) cm, AT THE SAME TIME on last row inc 4 sts evenly = 16-20-20 (24-24) sts. Work next row as follows from RS: 1 garter st, * K2, P2 *, repeat from *-*, and finish with K2 and 1 garter st. Continue in rib until pocket measures 6-7-7 (8-9) cm, cast off. LEFT FRONT BAND: Pick up 56-60-68 (76-84) sts (divisible by 4) on needle size 3.5 mm along left front piece. K 1 row from WS, K 1 row from RS and continue in rib, K2/P2, with K2 and 1 garter st each side (as seen from RS). When front band measures 2 cm cast off in rib. RIGHT FRONT BAND: Like left front band, but after 1 cm make 4-4-4 (5-5) buttonholes evenly distributed – place the top buttonhole approx 5 cm from neckline and the bottom one approx 1 cm from bottom edge. NOTE: the last buttonhole is made on neckline. 1 buttonhole = K2 tog and make 1 YO (K tog 2 P sts as seen from RS. NECKLINE: Slip sts from stitch holder on circular needle size 3.5 mm and pick up 12 to 18 sts on each side of neckline at front (also pick up on front bands) = approx 78 to 112 sts, K 1 row from WS and then K 1 row from RS, AT THE SAME TIME adjust no of sts to 72-76-80 (84-88). Continue in rib, K2/P2, with K2 and 1 garter st each side towards mid front (as seen from RS). AT THE SAME TIME after 1 cm make 1 buttonhole in line with the others on front band. Cast off when neck measures 2 cm. ASSEMBLY: Sew openings under arms. Sew on buttons. Sew on pocket, place it mid between side seam and front band, approx 6-6-7 (7-8) cm from bottom edge. |
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