Video #94, riportato in: Knitting Videos, Cast on, Other
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Karen ha scritto:
Hey, ik ben de trui "cloud's hug" aan het breien. Bij het verdelen van het werk tussen rug/voorpand en mouwen moet ik voor de mouwen `10 nieuwe steken op zetten. Is dit dan gewoon op de naald aansluitend aan het rug/voorpand? Worden deze 10 dan mee gebreid met het rug of voorpand? ik kan het me een beetje moeilijk voorstellen hoe het eruit ziet. Verder vind ik de hulp en filmpjes fantastisch!
08.11.2024 - 19:17
Patricia Rider ha scritto:
I'm making a sweater #113-19 in size 11/12. I'm ready to add stitches for the sleeve and don't understand the instructions. 1st 1 time, 2sts 4 times and 3 sts 1 time to total 110 stitches. Please explain what this means and how to do this.
10.12.2023 - 17:38DROPS Design :
Dear Patricia, first cast on 1 st at the end of 1 row from the right side and 1 row from the wrong side (= 1 time on each side). Then cast on 2 sts at the end of the next 4 rows from the right side and 4 rows from the wrong side (= 2 sts 4 times on each side). Finally, cast on 3 sts at the end of 1 row from the right side and 1 row from the wrong side (= 1 time on each side). Adding to the 86 sts you had before, you should now have 110 stitches. Happy knitting!
10.12.2023 - 18:19
Laurence ha scritto:
Bonjour je tricote le devant droit taille S : »quand l ouvrage mesure 4cm depuis les dernières mailles montées pour l emmanchure augmenter une maille à une maille lisière au point mousse du bord sur le côté .?? l augmentation de fait sur l endroit ou sur l envers? au début du rang , après la première maille lisière ou à la fin du rang entre les deux mailles lisières ? merci d avance
25.04.2023 - 12:30DROPS Design :
Bonjour Laurence, sauf erreur de ma part, la réponse vous a été apportée dans le modèle que vous tricotez, si j'ai tout faux, merci de bien vouloir nous indiquer le modèle concerné pour que nous vérifiions ensemble. Merci pour votre compréhension. Bon tricot!
25.04.2023 - 14:50
Irmgard Marsh ha scritto:
I 'm knitting the Strawberry Sweet Kids short sleeved jumper. I have to cast on stitches for the sleeves. I understand that but do not understand the instructional sequence. Maybe you can enlighten me. I'm making the second largest size. " When piece measures 30-32-34-36 cm cast on new sts.for sleeves each side at the end of every row: 1 st 5-3-1-1 times, 2 sts. 1-3-4-5 times and 3 sts.0-0-1-1 time = 92-100 - 110 -118 sts." Is each time another row?, so for my size over 14 rows??
31.01.2023 - 01:37DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Marsh, you will cast on the new stitches at the end of every row, both from right side and from wrong side as follows (2nd size): 1 stitch at the end of next 6 rows (1 st 3 times on each side), then 2 stitches at the end of next 6 rows (2 sts 3 times on each side) = you have cast on 9 sts on each side, 18 sts in total = 100 sts in total. And you have worked a total of 12 rows. Happy knitting!
31.01.2023 - 09:59
Sara ha scritto:
Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se esiste un metodo per allargare il lavoro e quindi aggiungere delle maglie al lato di ciascun ferro già lavorato. Grazie
26.10.2022 - 15:42DROPS Design :
Buonasera Sara, potrebbe riprendere le maglie, ma poi dovrebbe procedere in direzione trasversale rispetto al lavoro già fatto. Buon lavoro!
26.10.2022 - 19:05
Susan ha scritto:
I am knitting pattern 105-6 . I have started the yoke but am not sure which side of the front has the 14 stitches and which has the 50. Also, please explain the pick up 1 st at the back of the first 4 sts. Thank. you.
03.10.2022 - 04:15DROPS Design :
Dear Susan, seen from RS, work the last 14 stitches at the end of front piece, then cast on the new sts, work back piece, cast on new stitches and work the 34 remaining stitches of the front piece; then pick up 1 stitch behind each of the first 4 sts just as we pick up 14 sts in this video (but pick up 4 sts only for your top, just as in the pattern, remember video shows the technique). Happy knitting!
03.10.2022 - 10:26
Yatie M ha scritto:
Hi! Is this method also apply to - cast on (3) band stitches at the end of the next 2 rows. Is it means after 2 rows or every row?
21.06.2022 - 03:23DROPS Design :
Dear Yatie M, somewhat tricky to answer to your question without reading the explanations, maybe you could tell us which pattern you are working on? But if you are supposed to cast on 3 sts at the end of the next 2 rows, it could mean to work 1 row from RS and cast on 3 sts at the end of the row as shown here and work 1 row from WS and cast on 3 sts at the end of this row - in the video the stitches are cast on at the end of a WS row, but you cast on 3 sts at the end of a RS row the same way, just remember to work the new stitches as before on next row. Happy knitting!
21.06.2022 - 10:38
YVonne Hitchcock ha scritto:
I am not a spammer but need help with this pattern can you help?
19.11.2019 - 14:11
Yvonne Hitchcock ha scritto:
Making pattern #208-1 for a man, there are no place to put markers for raglan and what does a-1 mean confusing. Thank you for your help.
19.11.2019 - 14:07DROPS Design :
If you need markers to mark the raglan line, you can add - as suggested in first answer below markers before and after each A.1. Happy knitting!
19.11.2019 - 14:40Il tuo indirizzo mail non verrà pubblicato. I campi richiesti sono indicati da *.
Hej\r\nJeg forstår ikke helt hvordan jeg skall gøre med de extra 8 masker der skal slåes op i SIDEN under ærmet ? skal de sættes på en tråd sammen med de øvrige masker til ærmer ,og først strikkes senere sammen med maskerne til Ærme? jeg kan slet ikke forstå når der står i siden under ærmet ?\r\nVenlig hilsen \r\nElisabeth
21.06.2024 - 07:50