Video #208, wymienione w: Knitting Videos, Decrease, Podstawowe techniki zamykania oczek
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Ann Kelly napisała:
I’m using Summer Fruit pattern Can you please explain how to knit the raglan I can do the decrease stitch before the marker but how do you do the decrease stitch after the marker Many thanks
23.05.2024 - 17:40DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
See below :)
24.05.2024 - 08:38Ann Kelly napisała:
I knitting the cardigan Summer Fruit pattern Could you please explain how I knit the raglan sleeve It says to decrease 1 stitch each side of the marker I can work out how to do this on the stitches before the marker but how do I decrease 1 stitch after the marker Many thanks for your help
23.05.2024 - 17:35DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Mrs Kelly, decrease for the raglan in this pattern as explained under DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan):, ie with K2 tog before the 2 sts for raglan line and slip 1, k1, psst after these 2 sts with the marker inbetween. Happy knitting!
24.05.2024 - 08:38Alena Kasparova napisała:
Vzor A.3. Ve treti rade od tretiho oka, 1 oko sejmeme hladce, 2 oka upleteme hladce a sejmute pres ne pretahneme. takze zustane 1 oko. Ale v pate rade se pocita ze zustanou dve oka, aby slo plest 1 oko hladce, nahodit a 1 oko hladce. To nevychazi . Z treti rady zustalo jen 1 oko. Prosim o radu. Dekuji Alena
08.01.2024 - 20:43DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dobrý den Aleno, napište, prosím, Váš dotaz u konkrétního návodu, který pletete, abychom jej mohli prověřit. Děkujeme!
12.01.2024 - 18:27Dianne napisała:
How do you do this from the wrong side?
19.08.2023 - 18:47DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Dianne, you work it exactly the same, but slipping 1 stitch as if purled, purl 1 and pass the slipped stitch over. Happy knitting!
20.08.2023 - 18:38Robertinput napisała:
групповая гештальт терапия
30.03.2023 - 19:00Johanne napisała:
Kan dere vise hva man skal gjøre når det står: Ta 1. m r løs av, ta 1 m r løs av, ta neste m r løs av, sett 2 m tilbake på venstre pinne og strikk de vridd sammen
16.10.2022 - 00:05DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Hei Johanne. Vi skal hjelpe deg så godt vi kan, men hvilken oppskrift er denne linjen (Ta 1. m r løs av, ta 1 m r løs av, ta neste m r løs av, sett 2 m tilbake på venstre pinne og strikk de vridd sammen) hentet fra, DROPS nr? mvh DROPS Design
17.10.2022 - 08:43JACQUELIN napisała:
Bonjour Dans le cas d'un Jersey torse ( toutes les mailles sont tricotées avec le brin arrière) comment faire la diminution ? J'ai vu que vous parlez dans une vidéo du SSK( Glisse glisse tricote) mais cela est pour du jersey normal Alors comment faire pour le jersey endroit torse Merci
02.10.2022 - 12:56DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Bonjour Mme Jacquelin, vous devrez à priori procéder de la même façon, mais en prenant vos mailles torse à chaque fois, ainsi, elles seront toujours tricotées de la même façon: glissez 1 m comme pour la tricoter torse à l'endroit, tricotez 1 m torse à l'endroit et passez la m glissée par-dessus la maille tricotée. N'hésitez pas à vous entrainer sur un échantillon si besoin. Bon tricot!
03.10.2022 - 10:22Natasha napisała:
Pattern - Sky so blue. I'm doing the decrease for armholes. The instructions say reduce 1 stitch on each side x11 using decrease tip 2. Do I have to decrease only on the right side? Or do I also need to decrease on the wrong side?
03.08.2022 - 10:38DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Natasha, in this pattern the decreases for armholes are worked on every row from right side, so that you will only decrease from RS and work the next row from WS without decreasing. Happy knitting!
03.08.2022 - 15:22Natasha napisała:
The instructions say reduce 1 stitch on each side x11 using decrease tip 2. Do I have to decrease only on the right side? Or do I also need to decrease on the wrong side?
02.08.2022 - 22:44DROPS Design Odpowiedź:
Dear Natasha, could you please tell us which pattern you are working on? It will be easier for us to check and allow us to answer you with the right way. Thanks for your comprehension. Happy knitting!
03.08.2022 - 10:35Twój adres email nie będzie opublikowany. Pola obowiązkowe są oznaczone *.
Ingrid Roune napisała:
Så det var som jag trodde. Inget tjafs med bara fingrar, bara underlig text. Jag stickar det i bomulls garn och gamla silkesnystan ni sålt mig för flera år sedan.
24.04.2024 - 20:20