Rixt wrote:
I dont understand how the distance of 4cm (heel) relates to the picking up of 8 stitches along the heel. The Gauge says: 28 rows is 10cm. That means: 1 row = 0,36 cm -> which makes: 8 rows = 2,9 cm = 3 cm. Not 4 cm. Am I supposed to skip some rows when picking up those 8 stitches along the heel?
05.12.2024 - 00:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Rixt, yes, you need to skip over some rows. If you pick up 1 stitch in every row you will have some loose waves. In order to have a tight straight row you need to pick up stitches evenly. You should have approx, 11 rows so, for example, you pick up 1 stitch in every row 2 times, skip 1 row, and pick up 1 stitch in every row 3 more times, skip 1 row and pick up 1 stitch in every row 3 more times, skip the last row. If you have 12 rows you can skip every 4th row. Happy knitting!
08.12.2024 - 13:51JACQUELINE TALBOT wrote:
Pourquoi ne pas faire des chaussons sans coutures ? comme dans le temps ?
03.12.2024 - 09:57Monika wrote:
Mają może państwo jakiś filmik który by przedstawiał dołączenie nowej nitki by przerobić ten środek?
05.11.2024 - 09:40DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Moniko, nie mamy niestety. Bierzesz nowy motek, zostawiasz dłuższą końcówkę, aby się później nie wysunęła i przerabiasz normalnie. Pierwsze oczko może być większe, wtedy pociągasz za zostawiony koniec nitki i powinno być ok. Pozdrawiamy!
05.11.2024 - 09:44Monika wrote:
"STOPA: Zdjąć 11-11-12-12 (13-14) oczek z każdej strony na druty pomocnicze/nitki = zostaje 6-8-8-10 (12-14) oczek (= środek wierzchu stopy). Przerabiać dżersejem z 1 oczkiem brzegowym ściegiem francuskim przez 3-4-4-5 (6-7) cm. Odciąć nitkę." Mam problem z tym fragmentem ponieważ nic zostaje z boku robótki przed oczkami zdjętymi na nić pomocniczą. Jak mam przerabiać ten środek? Ta sama nicią co wcześniej?
05.11.2024 - 09:31DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Moniko, musisz dołączyć nową nitkę i nią przerabiać środek. Pozdrawiamy!
05.11.2024 - 09:34Lotta wrote:
Hej. Har stickat dessa supergulliga tossor! Men det är fel på rad 1, 3, 5 o 7 på foten. Hoptagningarna ligger fel i mönstret. Hoptagningar där du stickar 3 maskor tillsammans ska båda ligga framme vid tån och den hoptagning med 2 maskor o luftmaska ska ligga i början och slutet av varvet. Lätt att se om du är van stickare.
01.10.2024 - 11:02Johanna wrote:
Ihana ohje! Tuli täydelliset tossut vauvalle, hyvä ohje aloittelijalle.
25.07.2024 - 19:05Geraldes wrote:
Bonjour,\r\nAu niveau du pied, il est indiqué où on mets le 1er marqueur mais pas le 2 ème marqueur.
22.04.2024 - 10:07DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Geraldes, lorsque vous avez repris / relevé les mailles, placez 1 marqueur de chaque côté des 6 à 14 mailles centrales, soit 1 marqueur avant ces mailles + 1 autre marqueur après ces mailles (dessus du pied tricoté en allers et retours pendant 3 à 7 cm). Bon tricot!
22.04.2024 - 13:18Marijke wrote:
Sorry, het klopt toch wel!
31.03.2024 - 19:09Marijke wrote:
Er staat een fout in de omschrijving: bij naald 3 na de eerste mindering dat je 19 steken moet breien(grootste maat) dit moet zijn 21 steken
31.03.2024 - 19:07Trine wrote:
Hei! Hvilken pinnestørrelse bruker jeg etter hullraden? Skal foten strikkes i str 3 elr 4?
03.03.2024 - 23:27DROPS Design answered:
Hei Trine, Foten strikkes med pinnestørrelse 4. God fornøyelse!
04.03.2024 - 11:08
Tiny Kicks |
Knitted slippers with rib and garter stitch for baby in DROPS Merino Extra Fine. Size 0 - 4 years
DROPS Baby 33-24 |
EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (back and forth): 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. DECREASE TIP (evenly): To calculate how to decrease evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 36 stitches) and divide stitches by number of decreases to be done (e.g. 8) = 4.5. In this example decrease by knitting alternately approx. every 3rd and 4th stitch and every 4th and 5th stitch together. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPER - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needles from mid back, and sewn together when finished. FOLDING EDGE: Cast on 36-40-42-44 (48-52) stitches on circular needle size 3 mm with Merino Extra Fine. Work rib (= knit 1 / 1 purl) for 6-6-7-7 (8-8) cm - adjust so that next row is worked from wrong side. Purl 1 row from wrong side while AT THE SAME TIME decreasing 8-10-10-10 (10-10) stitches evenly - read DECREASE TIP = 28-30-32-34 (38-42) stitches. Switch to circular needle size 4 mm. On next row work eyelet holes as follows from right side: Knit 1, * knit 2 together, 1 yarn over *, repeat from *-* and finish with knit 1. Purl 1 row from wrong side. FOOT: Slip the outermost 11-11-12-12 (13-14) stitches in each side on 1 stitch holder = 6-8-8-10 (12-14) stitches remain on needle (= mid on top of foot). Work in stocking stitch with 1 edge stitch in garter stitch for 3-4-4-5 (6-7) cm. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Cut the yarn. Work next row as follows from right side: Work the 11-11-12-12 (13-14) stitches from stitch holder in first side of piece, pick up 6-8-8-10 (12-14) stitches along the side of middle piece, work 6-8-8-10 (12-14) stitches, pick up 6-8-8-10 (12-14) stitches along the other side of middle piece and work the 11-11-12-12 (13-14) stitches from the last stitch holder = 40-46-48-54 (62-70) stitches. Knit 1 row from wrong side. Insert 1 marker on each side of the middle 6-8-8-10 (12-14) stitches at the front. Then work in garter stitch back and forth AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row increase 1 stitch inside the 2 markers so that there are 8-10-10-12 (14-16) stitches mid front = 42-48-50-56 (64-72) stitches on needle. When 2½-3-3½-4 (5-6) cm have been worked from markers at the front, continue like this: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit 3, slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 10-12-13-15 (18-24) stitches, knit 3 together, knit 4-6-6-8 (10-12), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit until 6 stitches remain on row, knit 3 together and finish with knit 3 (= 8 stitches decreased, 34-40-42-48 (56-64) stitches on needle). ROW 2 (= wrong side): Knit all stitches. ROW 3 (= right side): Knit 2, slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 8-10-11-13 (16-19) stitches, knit 3 together, knit 2-4-4-6 (8-10), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit until 5 stitches remain on row, knit 3 together and finish with knit 2 (= 8 stitches decreased, 26-32-34-40 (48-56) stitches on needle). ROW 4 (= wrong side): Knit all stitches. ROW 5 (= right side): Knit 1, slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 6-8-9-11 (14-17) stitches, knit 3 together, knit 0-2-2-4 (6-8), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit until 4 stitches remain on row, knit 3 together and finish with knit 1 (= 8 stitches decreased, 18-24-26-32 (40-48) stitches on needle). ROW 6 (= wrong side): Knit all stitches. Stop here in size 0/1 + 1/3 + 6/9 months. SIZE 12/18 months + 2 years + 3/4 years: ROW 7 (= right side): slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit 9 (12-15) stitches, knit 3 together, knit 2 (4-6), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, knit until 3 stitches remain on row, knit 3 together (= 8 stitches decreased, 24 (32-40) stitches on needle). ROW 8 (= wrong side): Knit all stitches. ALL SIZES: Knit 2 rows. ASSEMBLY: Distribute stitches on 2 needles (= mid under foot), place double and sew together alongside with grafting/kitchener stitches. Sew slipper together mid back and up along leg - sew in front loop of outermost stitch TIES: Cut 2 lengths of misty forest of approx. 1 meter, twine them tightly together, fold them double and they will twine again, tie a knot in each end. Thread tie up and down through the eyelet holes on slipper. Make 1 tie for each slipper. |
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