DUBOIS wrote:
Bonjour Combien de pelotes pour S-M-L-XL XXL-XXXL en delight ? Merci
24.02.2024 - 15:37DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Dubois, retrouvez la quantité nécessaire pour chaque taille, au poids, dans l'en-tête, avec les tailles, les aiguilles et l'échantillon. Autrement dit, Il faut, en taille S par ex; 200 g DROPS Delight/50g. la pelote = 4 pelotes en taille S. Delight n'étant plus disponible, vous pouvez utiliser notre convertisseur pour trouver les alternatives possibles et les quantités correspondantes. Bon tricot!
26.02.2024 - 08:21
Regina wrote:
Ich würde gern die untere Kante etwas gerader haben, der Zickzack wellt sich, gibt es einen Trick oder eine Idee? Danke für die schöne Anleitung!
16.12.2023 - 15:51
Limor Noy wrote:
I am knitting this skirt! but i am knitting it longer. i have made many mistakes, for i added more stitches, as i knitted to the top. but. important i did not put markers, but when i did wow, i couldn't believe how fast it got knitted. It's a beautiful below the knees skirt. thank you. can't wait to finish it. i think it has taken me a year to knit. i don't knit every day. maybe once a few days then i stop.
03.10.2019 - 06:41
Coraline wrote:
Bonjour Est ce que ce modèle peut se réaliser avec la laine Big delight? Merci
19.06.2019 - 13:10DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Coraline, pas vraiment, ce modèle se tricote en Delight qui appartient au groupe A alors que Big Delight appartient au groupe C (elle est plus épaisse, et on tricote ici la Delight en simple). Bon tricot!
19.06.2019 - 15:37
Stephanie Hutton wrote:
Hi, I'm knitting this in size large as I measure exactly 80cm around the waist. The image looks like a snug fit all around but the measurements around the bottom seem huge. According to the chart the bottom should be 130cm around, is this correct? My tension test was accurate but the piece seems to be huge around the bottom compared with the waist size. Could you clarify please as it certainly doesn't look like a flared skirt in the image. Regards, Stephanie Hutton.
07.02.2017 - 21:38DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Hutton, the best way to choose your size is to compare the measurements from the chart to the same of a garment you have and like the shape. Read more about sizing here. Happy knitting!
08.02.2017 - 08:56
Sofia Iconomidou wrote:
Jag har stickat denna underbara kjol och önskar att det fanns ett mönster för en kofta/tröja i samma garn och mönster :)
29.01.2016 - 16:56
Petra wrote:
Klasse Anleitung, super geworden, auch für nicht ganz so schlanke ein echter Hingucker. Auch wenn ich nicht mehr die jüngste bin. Meine Mädels fanden ihn auch toll.
15.03.2015 - 14:43
Esther wrote:
Bin fast fertig mit stricken und habe folgende Frage: habt ihr Tips zum annähen des Belegs? Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass das Muster nicht "kaputt" geht geht. Danke
13.05.2014 - 20:14DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Esther, am besten nähen Sie den Beleg an einer der glatt re gestrickten R an, die ja auf der Rückseite li erscheint. Sie fassen dann das äußere M-Glied der Abkettkante und dann den sichtbaren "Querfaden" der Linksmasche, sodass Sie mit dem Wollfaden, mit dem Sie den Beleg annähen, immer nur auf der Rückseite bleiben, so ist die Naht vorne unsichtbar. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Beleg gerade liegt und sich nicht verzieht, d.h. Sie müssen immer die gegenüberliegenden Maschen zusammennähen.
14.05.2014 - 01:29
Lisbeth Wærp wrote:
Etter å ha strikket de første omgangene, ser det veldig stort ut! Er det slik at bølgene strammer det inn?
31.03.2014 - 03:05DROPS Design answered:
Hei Lisbeth. Ja, det vil trække mere sammen når du strikker mønster. Og sørg for at din strikkefasthed er korrekt.
31.03.2014 - 17:10
Seffy wrote:
Buongiorno e grazie mille per le risposte! Mi scuso per le tante domande ma lavoro da poco a maglia e quindi sono piena di dubbi. Se ho capito bene nel primo giro lavoro tutte le 330 maglie a dritto (330/15=22 ripetizioni della prima riga del diagramma A1), nel secondo giro tutte le 330 maglie a rovescio e così via. E infine devo ripetere tutte e 12 le righe del diagramma A1 5 volte (12*5 = 60 giri totali). E' corretto? Grazie mille e ancora tanti complimenti!!
27.03.2014 - 11:28DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Seffy, è corretto, per il 1° giro lavora tutto a dir, il 2° a rov e prosegua seguendo il diagramma A.1, leggendolo sempre da destra verso sinistra perchè si lavora in tondo. E deve lavorare i 12 ferri del diagramma A.1 5 volte in verticale, e poi proseguire con le istruzioni. Ci riscriva se ha altri dubbi. Buon lavoro!!
27.03.2014 - 14:22
Oh la la! |
Knitted DROPS skirt with lace pattern in ”Delight”. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 155-15 |
PATTERN: See diagram A.1-A.3. Diagram is showing all rows in pattern seen from RS. In size S-M-L-XL there are 15 sts at beg of every repetition and in XXL-XXXL there are 17 sts in every repetition. ---------------------------------------------------------- SKIRT: Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 330-360-390-435-459-527 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with Delight. Work 1st round as follows: Work PATTERN - see explanation above - according to diagram A.1 over all sts on round (= 22-24-26-29-27-31 repetitions). Continue with pattern until 5-5-6-6-7-7 repetitions of A.1 have been worked in total vertically. Piece measures approx. 20-20-24-24-28-28 cm. Continue with the 2 rounds over A.1, and then A.2 until 1 whole repetition of A.2 has been worked vertically. Repeat A.2 4 more times vertically (= 5 times in total). Continue with the 6 rounds over A.2, and then with A.3 until A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically = 154-168-182-203-243-279 sts. Repeat A.3 1-2-1-2-1-2 more times vertically (= 2-3-2-3-2-3 times in total vertically). Piece measures approx. 40-42-44-46-48-50 cm. Then P 1 round (= folding edge), then work in stocking st for 2 cm for hem before loosely casting off. ASSEMBLY: Fold the hem double towards the WS and fasten with neat stitches. Leave a little opening to thread the elastic through. |
Diagram explanations |
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