Benair Veronique wrote:
Bjr j'ai bien compris les explications mais pour la bordure qu'appelez vous bordures merci
08.01.2025 - 17:37DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Benair, la bordure correspond aux derniers rangs de l'écharpe, autrement dit, en fonction du dernier rang que vous avez tricoté (soit le rang 10, soit le rang 20), vous allez tricoter les derniers rangs en suivant soit la bordure-1 soit la bordure-2. Bon tricot!
09.01.2025 - 10:05
Margrietha wrote:
Een prachtig, goed beschreven patroon met een geweldig resultaat! Het is aan te bevelen om een proeflapje te maken om het patroon te leren kennen.
19.05.2024 - 21:17
Un grand merci, vos explications sont précieuses, surtout pour des personnes comme moi qui ne sont pas expertes en tricot.L.
30.06.2023 - 19:53
Bonjour Encore une question, c'est lié au modèle 229-10, j'ai tout compris, mais ce n'est pas clair pour moi quand on fait les schémas A 3c A 3b A 3c. Merci d'avance.L.When the diagrams have been completed in height, work A.2a over A.1a, A.2b over A.1b and A.2c over A.1c. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION.
30.06.2023 - 13:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Chareyre, pensez à modifier la langue du modèle en cliquant sur le menu déroulant sous la photo, ce peut être plus simple pour vous. On tricote d'abord les diagrammes A.1 ainsi (vu sur l'endroit): A.1a au début du rang, on répète A.1b et on termine par A.1c. Quand A.1 est terminé, on tricote A.2 de la même façon: A.2a au début du rang, on répète A.2b et on termine par A.2c. Pour A.3, on procède de la même façon, toujours sur l'endroit: on tricote A.3a, on répète A.3b et on termine par A.3c. Bon tricot!
30.06.2023 - 13:43
Asia wrote:
Jakim sposobem zamknąć oczka na końcu szala? Którym filmikiem powinnam się sugerować?
23.05.2023 - 14:46DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Aniu, ten sposób powinien być ok, patrzTUTAJ Jak brzeg wychodzi zbyt ścisły, użyj grubszych drutów do zamykania oczek. Pozdrawiamy!
23.05.2023 - 15:49
Joanna wrote:
Is this shawl made with one thread or maybe two? This is my first time working with this yarn. My shawl is very shaggy, so the pattern is not as clear as in the picture. I started with 4mm needles because the larger ones gave me too big stitches. I am not sure whether I knit it good.
04.02.2023 - 14:21DROPS Design answered:
Dear Joanna, this shawl is worked with a single thread. The final result should be quite light. You could check if the gauge is correct while working, in case it is looser that the indicated gauge. Happy knitting!
05.02.2023 - 23:10
Kelly Small wrote:
I made this as a bridal wrap for my niece. I used an added string that had sequins to it. It turned out beautiful. My niece absolutely loved it. The pattern is pretty simple. I had an issue meeting the gauge so I did increase the repeats but then it was a little wider than I wanted but after blocking it, it turned out just fine. Thank you for these gorgeous patterns.
20.10.2022 - 16:55
Patricia Dominguez wrote:
Hola! No logro entender como se tejen la vueltas del revés. En el patrón se muestran todas las vueltas por el derecho, pero no especifica como son las del revés.
12.10.2022 - 23:33DROPS Design answered:
Hola Patricia, el diagrama muestra todas las filas (por el lado derecho y por el lado revés) como se ven por el lado derecho. Esto quiere decir que las filas por el lado derecho se trabajan tal y como se muestran en el diagrama, mientras que las filas por el lado revés se trabajan de la forma opuesta (leídas de izquierda a derecha, y ciertos puntos son los contrario). Para más información, puedes consultar el siguiente link:
16.10.2022 - 23:32
Diana wrote:
Ik wil de sjaal graag breder maken. Moet ik dan het herhaalpatroon van 12 steken vaker breien en dus op die manier het stekenaantal aanpassen?
27.09.2022 - 13:47DROPS Design answered:
Dag Diana,
Ja, dat klopt. Je kunt een meervoud van 12 steken extra opzetten en extra herhalingen van het patroon breien.
27.09.2022 - 17:32
Carole wrote:
Ah je viens de comprendre comment ça marche., désolée pour le dérangement 🙂
07.09.2022 - 12:15
Just a Whisper |
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Knitted stole in DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. The piece is worked with lace pattern.
DROPS 229-10 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.3. The diagrams show all rows in the pattern from the right side. CASTING-OFF TIP: To avoid the cast-off edge being tight you can cast off with a larger size needle. If the edge is still tight, make 1 yarn over after approx. each 4th stitch at the same time as casting off; the yarn overs are cast off as normal stitches. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- STOLE – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked back and forth with circular needle. STOLE: Cast on 73 stitches with circular needle size 5 mm and DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Work pattern as follows: A.1a over the first 16 stitches, A.1b over the next 48 stitches (= 4 repeats of 12 stitches), A.1c over the next 9 stitches. Continue this pattern back and forth. When the diagrams have been completed in height, work A.2a over A.1a, A.2b over A.1b and A.2c over A.1c. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION. Repeat the diagrams in height until the piece measures approx. 169 cm – adjust so you finish after row 10 or 20 in the diagrams. Now work an edge. If you finished after row 10, work Edge-1, if you finished after row 20 work Edge-2. EDGE-1: Work A.1a over the first 16 stitches, A.1b over the next 48 stitches (= 4 repeats of 12 stitches), A.1c over the next 9 stitches. Cast off with knit – read CASTING-OFF TIP. EDGE-2: Work A.3a over the first 16 stitches, A.3b over the next 48 stitches (= 4 repeats of 12 stitches), A.3c over the next 9 stitches. Cast off with knit – read CASTING-OFF TIP. |
Diagram explanations |
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