Dobbelt Perlestrik rundt på rundpind

Keywords: perlestrik, rundpind,

Når du strikker dobbelt perlestrik rundt på rundpinde skal du slå et maskeantal op som kan deles med 4.
Du vil da få en fin overgang mellem ret og vrangmaskerne hele vejen rundt, og det vil ikke kunne ses hvor omgangen begynder.

Du strikker skiftevis 2 ret og 2 vrang hele vejen rundt.
1.omg 2 ret, 2 vrang hele vejen rundt.
2.omg 2 ret, 2 vrang hele vejen rundt.
3.omg 2 vrang, 2 ret hele vejen rundt.
4.omg 2 vrang, 2 ret hele vejen rund.

I overgangen kan du sætte en mærketråd som markerer at du starter på en ny omgang. I videoen viser vi det sidste af 2.omgang, selve overgangen til 3.omgang og så det første af 3.omgang

God fornøjelse!

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Kommentarer (5)

Ida wrote:

Hei, Hvordan øker man masker på en dobbelt perlestrikk som er strikket rundt?

21.09.2023 - 22:21

Deni wrote:

It is your pattern Limestone 135-1.

11.01.2021 - 21:49

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Deni, did you mean this pattern? You can increase on each side of both markers like this: work until 1 st remains before marker, YO, work the next 2 sts as before (marker is in the middle of them), YO - on next round, work the new sts in moss st: either K or P depending on the next/previous stitch on back/front piece, this means pattern will not match anymore until next increase, but when all increases are done, moss stitch will be fit around. Happy knitting!

12.01.2021 - 09:43

Deni wrote:

I'm working on Limestone sweater

08.01.2021 - 08:58

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Deni, except if I'm wrong, this is not one of our patterns, it might be easier to contact the designer if you need any assistance, since we do not know this pattern. Or contact the store where you bought the yarn, eve per mail or telephone, they should be able to help you. Happy knitting!

11.01.2021 - 11:21

Deni wrote:

How to do increase while knitting double moss in the round

07.01.2021 - 19:16

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Deni, this will depend on your pattern, there will be different way to incrase in the round, you can increase on sides so that the pattern will not fit on the side until 4 sts have been increased, or you can increase evenly and the moss stitch will then be not right lined up. Feel free to ask your question on the pattern you are working on for any further assistance. Happy knitting!

08.01.2021 - 08:04

Mary wrote:

Bonjour Comment faire les diminutions sur le point de riz double sur aiguilles circulaires. J'ai 96 mailles et je n'y arrive pas. J'ai des trous et je me retrouve avec du jersey par endroit. Existe-t'il une technique propre à ce point? Merci

19.11.2017 - 14:58

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mary, suivez bien les indications de votre modèle, en fonction de ce qui vous est indiqué, vous pourrez par exemple diminuer tout en continuant le motif comme avant, mais il ne se suivra pas avant/après les diminutions en raison de ces mêmes diminutions. Bon tricot!

20.11.2017 - 10:28

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