Barbara Frow wrote:
I'm a total beginner with different kinds to stitches so I'm totally lost with this next bit - **pick up 1 loop in the hole, 1 loop in the side in the last of the loops, 1 loop in the same stitch as the last loop was picked up from** Can you please explain further how to do this? Where do I pick up the loop in the hole? Is there a video I can watch to do this? Thank you so much
19.10.2022 - 09:37DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Frow, sure, this video shows how to crochet the star partern in the round. Happy crocheting!
19.10.2022 - 10:22Monique wrote:
Waarom moet je bij het ster patroon in de achterkant van een steek (die laatste 2 van de 6) opnemen en niet gewoon de hele steek?of de voorkant? Het is een Leuk patroon en niet moeilijk maar waarom is dat?
04.05.2022 - 15:21DROPS Design answered:
Dag Monique,
Op deze manier komt de steek beter tot zijn recht.
09.05.2022 - 17:38Greetje Feunekes wrote:
Waar vind ik het patroon van 209-10
16.06.2021 - 21:07Antonella wrote:
Buongiorno, vorrei fare questo cappello per una testa che misura 60cm circa. Come posso fare, per favore? Grazie mille, è bellissimo!
05.02.2021 - 07:57DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Antonella, deve lavorare un campione e in base a quello riprogettare il modello per adattarlo alla misura che desidera. Buon lavoro!
05.02.2021 - 19:14Kjersti Myrseth wrote:
Hei. Jeg hekler hatten nå og har vel måttet ta opp alt fire ganger fordi det blir for mange masker, rar form eller et hakk i høyde grunnet hekleinfo. Er det slik at hekleinfoen om to luftmasker skal erstatte første halvstav gjelde for hver eneste omgang gjennom hele oppskriften? Hatten får tydelig et hakk/"mellomrom" nedover når jeg gjør dette også ender jeg opp med for mange masker. Skal det være sånn? Jeg blir snart helt gal............ haha
12.01.2021 - 13:24DROPS Design answered:
Hei Kjersti. Du starter hver omgang der det skal hekles halvstav med 2 luftmasker, disse luftmaskene erstatter første halvstav. 2 luftmasker i høyden tilsvarer 1 halvstav i høyden. Slik at når det står i oppskriften, hekle 11 halvstaver om ringen er det 2 luftmasker og 10 halvstaver. Om du for mange halvstaver på omgangen, kanskje du har heklet både 2 luftmasker og 1 halvstav i 1. maske fra forrige omgang? mvh DROPS design
15.01.2021 - 11:55
Crisp Summer |
Crochet hat with star-pattern in DROPS Bomull-Lin. The piece is worked top down with half-treble crochets and a star-pattern in stripes.
DROPS 209-10 |
------------------------------------------------------- CROCHET INFO: At the beginning of each row replace the first half-treble crochet with 2 chain stitches. Finish each round with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch on the round. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- HAT – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in the round, top down. HAT: Work 5 chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm and off-white and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch. ROUND 1: Work 11 half-treble crochets around the ring – READ CROCHET INFO! ROUND 2: Work 2 half-treble crochets in each half-treble crochet = 22 half-treble crochets. ROUND 3: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in the next half-treble crochet *, repeat *-* to end of round = 33 half-treble crochets. ROUND 4: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 2 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 44 half-treble crochets. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! ROUND 5: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 3 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 55 half-treble crochets. ROUND 6: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 4 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 66 half-treble crochets. ROUND 7: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 5 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 77 half-treble crochets. ROUND 8: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 6 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 88 half-treble crochets. ROUND 9: Work * 2 half-treble crochets in the first/next half-treble crochet, 1 half-treble crochet in each of the next 43 half-treble crochets *, repeat *-* to end of round = 90 half-treble crochets. Continue with 1 half-treble crochet in each half-treble crochet until the piece measures approx. 12 cm from the top. Change to brown and work the star-pattern as follows: ROUND 1: Work 3 chain stitches, pick up 2 loops starting from the 2nd chain stitch from the hook, then pick up 1 loop in the back of the next 2 half-treble crochets (= 5 loops on the hook), make a yarn over and pull it through all 5 loops, work 1 chain stitch making a hole above the 5 loops, * pick up 1 loop in the hole, 1 loop in the side in the last of the loops, 1 loop in the same stitch as the last loop was picked up from, 1 loop in the back loop of each of the next 2 stitches on the row (= 6 loops on the hook), make a yarn over and pull it through all 6 loops and work 1 chain stitch *, repeat from *-* and finish with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round = 45 half-stars. ROUND 2: Work 2 chain stitches, work 1 half-treble crochets in first «star-hole», then work 2 half-treble crochets in each «star-hole» the entire round, finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain stitch at the beginning of the round = 45 whole stars (= 90 half-stars including the first 2 chain stitches). ROUND 3: Change to off-white and work 3 chain stitches, pick up 1 loop in the 2nd and 3rd chain stitches from the hook, 1 loop in the back of the first 2 half-treble crochets on the row (= 5 loops on the hook), make a yarn over and pull it through all 5 loops, 1 chain stitch, * pick up 1 loop in the hole, 1 loop in the side of the last of the loops, 1 loop in the same stitch as the last loop was picked up from, 1 loop in the back loop of each of the next 2 half-treble crochets (= 6 loops on the hook), make a yarn over and pull it through all 6 loops and work 1 chain stitch *, work from *-*, and finish with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round = 45 half-stars. ROUND 4: Work 2 chain stitches, work 1 half-treble crochets in first «star-hole», then work 2 half-treble crochets in each «star-hole» the entire round, finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain stitch at the beginning of the round = 45 whole stars (= 90 half-stars including the first 2 chain stitches). Change to brown and work rounds 3 and 4 one more time. The piece measures approx. 18 cm from the top. BRIM: Change to off-white. Insert 10 markers with 8 stitches between each marker (the markers sit in the stitches). * Work 1 round of half-treble crochets and increase 1 stitch by working 2 half-treble crochets in each marker-stitch = 10 stitches increased = 100 half-treble crochets. Work 1 round with half-treble crochets *. Work from *-* a total of 3 times = 120 half-treble crochets. Then work rounds with 1 half-treble crochet in each half-treble crochet until the brim measures approx. 7 cm. Cut and fasten the strand. |
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