Scialle - Come lavorare l'inizio dello scialle in DROPS 170-12

Keywords: diagramma, punti traforati, sciallo,

In questo video DROPS vi mostriamo come lavorare l'inizio dello scialle in DROPS 170-12.

NOTA - dovrete anche leggere il modello per essere in grado di seguire.

Per vedere il modello di questo scialle, vedere: DROPS 170-12

Il video sopra può essere utilizzato per i seguenti modelli

Commenti (2)

Bonita wrote:

A 10 and A11 of pattern 170-12 -spring splendor I am having trouble with the beginning. On that first row I end with A 10 instead of A11

11.06.2017 - 00:35

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Bonita, you work A.10 at the beg (beg of previous A.8), then dec on marking thread (= middle of previous A.8), and work A.11 before next marker (end of previous A.8). Happy knitting!

12.06.2017 - 10:30

Alice wrote:

How does a video relating to a knitted pattern help with a crochet pattern? I want to make 130-32? Very disappointing

06.02.2016 - 02:54

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Alice, a request for a video showing how to work diagram for 130-32 has been registered, while it comes online, you are welcome to contact your DROPS store for any further personnal assistance. Happy crocheting!

08.02.2016 - 14:06

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