How to work yarn over differently to get different directions

Keywords: european shoulder, kabátky, kruhová jehlice, ponča, pulovry, raglán, schéma, sedlový rukáv, shora dolů, čepice,

In this DROPS video we show how to work yarn over differently so that they are towards the right or towards the left, as it is done in the hat in DROPS 234-12.
We show 1 round where we knit the yarn over and 2 rounds where we purl the yarn over.

Work the yarn over like this:
Work yarn over in back loop of stitches, stitch is twisted towards the left. It should not make a hole!
Slip yarn over off the needle and put it back the opposite way, and then work in front loop of stitch, stitches is twisted towards the right. It should not make a hole!
Work the increased stitches in rib knit 2/purl 2 - i.e. the first 2 times knit the increased stitches, the next 2 times purl them.

The hat in DROPS 234-12 is worked in DROPS Karisma, but in the video we work with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow. You must read a pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern with this technique by clicking on the picture below.

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Tove Juhl wrote:

Galatea Drops design Når jeg har strikket A1 en gang og afsluttet med 10 masker og skal starte igen med 4 masker Hvordan gøres det?

14.10.2022 - 10:49

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