Dropped & Long Stitches

Videa: 14
How to knit Indian cross stitches

In this DROPS video we show how you can knit Indian cross stitches. For this sample we cast on 32 sts (divisible by 8). We have already knit 1 rapport (1-12 row) and row 1-4 for the second time. In the video we start at row 5 for the second time. Row 1-4: K all sts. Row 5: K 1, * K next st but wrap yarn 4 times around the needle before pulling through (3 of 4 yo's will be dropped on next row). Continue like this in each st across, K last st on row. Turn *. Row 6: Slip 1st st to right needle. Slip 1 yo and drop 3 yo's in each of the next 7 sts = 8 long sts on right needle, pull and stretch sts to make them evenly long. Slip the first 4 of the 8 sts over the last 4 sts and onto the left needle, then slip the last 4 sts on right needle onto left needle (= 8 loose sts on left needle crossing each other). Make sure they are lined up in the right order. Now K these 8 sts. Continue like this crossing the next 8 sts, and the next 8 and so on across. Row 7-10: K all sts Row 11: As row 5. Row 12: Slip 1st st to right needle. Slip 1 yo and drop 3 yo's in each of the next 3 sts = 4 long sts on right needle, pull and stretch sts to make them evenly long. Slip the first 2 of the 4 sts over the last 2 sts and onto the left needle, then slip the last 2 sts on right needle onto left needle (= 4 loose sts on left needle crossing each other). Make sure they are lined up in the right order. Now K these 4 sts. Slip the next 8 sts over to right needle, pull and stretch sts to make them evenly long. Slip the first 4 of the 8 sts over the last 4 sts and onto the left needle, then slip the last 4 sts on right needle onto left needle (= 8 loose sts on left needle crossing each other). K these 8 sts. Continue like this crossing the next 8 sts, and the next 8 and so on across, until 4 sts remain on row. Slip the next 4 sts over to right needle, pull and stretch sts to make them evenly long. Slip the first 2 of the 4 sts over the last 2 sts and onto the left needle, then slip the last 2 sts on right needle onto left needle (= 4 loose sts on left needle crossing each other). K these 4 sts. Repeat row 1-12 to desired length. You must read the pattern and look at the chart to be able to follow. You’ll find a pattern using this technique by clicking on the picture below.

How to knit two-coloured Royal Quilting pattern

In this DROPS video we show you how we knit a two-coloured Royal Quilting pattern. Cast on a number of stitches divisible with 6+3 with colour A. We have casted on 18+3 stitches in colour A with DROPS Snow in this video. Row 1: WRONG SIDE, colour A, purl 2, * make sure the thread is now placed on the right side, slip the next 5 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, purl 1 * (there will be a loop on the right side over the 5 sliped stitches), repeat *-* until there are 1 stitch left, purl 1 Row 2: RIGHT SIDE, colour B, knit all stitches. Row 3: WRONG SIDE, colour B, purl all stitches. Row 4: RIGHT SIDE, use colour A, knit 1, lift 3 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, knit the next stitch together with the loop made 3 rows below. *slip 5 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, knit the next stitch together with the loop made 3 rows below *, repeat *-* until 4 stitches remains. Slip 3 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, knit 1. Row 5: WRONG SIDE, with colour A, purl 1, place the thread on the right side, slip 3 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, purl 1, * place the thread on the right side, slip 5 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, purl 1 *, repeat *-* until 4 stitches remains, slip 3 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, purl 1. Rows 6-7: Repeat row 2-3. Row 8: RIGHT SIDE, with colour A, knit 1, knit the next stitch together with the loop made 3 rows below, * slip 5 stitches purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, knit the next stitch together with the loop made 3 rows below *, repeat*-* until 1 stitch remains, knit the last stitch. Repeat row 1-8 until desired length. The bordeaux / cerise colored patch is knitted in DROPS Cotton Merino.

Jak plést zajímavý plastický vzor

V této video-ukázce DROPS si ukážeme, jak uplést zajímavý plastický vzor, který využijeme například při pletení modelu DROPS 194-5, ale i při pletení jiných modelů. U výše uvedeného návodu pleteme v kruhových řadách, ale v této video-ukázce pleteme pouze zleva doprava. Ukážeme si 3 řady schématu, viz část označená červeně. V 1. řadě pleteme takto (černý trojúhelník, který protíná 3 čtverce: = pravou jehlici vpíchneme do prostředního ze 3 hladkých ok o 4 kruhové řady níže, 1x nahodíme a vytáhneme oko na pravou jehlici - toto nahozené oko musí být volné - jinak se nám pletenina zdeformuje a úplet bude moc tuhý, 3 oka upleteme hladce, pravou jehlici vpíchneme do toho stejného oka, 1x nahodíme a vytáhneme oko na pravou jehlici. Ve 2. řadě pleteme takto (černá čára nad 5 čtverečky): = 1 oko (= nahození z předchozí kruhové řady) sejmeme hladce, 3 oka upleteme hladce, následující oko (= nahození z předchozí kruhové řady) sejmeme obrace. Ve 3. kruhové řadě pleteme takto: 1., 3. a 5. černý trojúhelník nad 2 čtverci = 2 oka spleteme hladce za zadní nit 2., 4. a 6. černý trojúhelník nad 2 čtverci = 2 oka spleteme hladce. Dle návodu pleteme pulovr z příze DROPS Air, ale v naší ukázce pracujeme pro větší názornost se silnou přízí, DROPS Snow. Abyste mohli sledovat předváděný postup, je třeba si pročíst celý psaný návod a prohlédnout schémata. Návody naleznete kliknutím na obrázek modelu níže.

How to work an easy butterfly pattern

In this DROPS video, we show how to work an easy butterfly pattern that repeats itself. Knit a butterfly over 7 stitches + stitches between each butterfly and 2 garter stitches in each side (garter stitches = knit on each side). We have cast on 29 stitches and worked 1 row with the main color (green) and 2 garter stitches on each side. We start the video by working like this: Right side: Work 2 garter stitches, * put the second color in front of the work / towards you, knit 7 stitches, put the second color behind the work / from you, knit 2 *, repeat * - * the entire row, turn. Wrong side: Work 2 garter stitches, * put the second color behind the work / from you, purl 7 stitches, put the second color in front of the work / towards you, purl 2 *, repeat * - * entire row, but work the last 2 stitches in garter st, turn. Repeat these two rows until you have 6 loose threads in front. Right side: Now work with the main color. Work 2 garter stitches, knit 3, * insert right needle under all 6 long threads (use thumb for help if needed), knit next stitch, do not lift stitch off left needle, but pull the stitch under the 6 long thread, put the stitch on the right needle, knit these two stitches twisted together, knit 8, repeat * - * 1 more time. Knit under all 6 long threads, knit the next stitch, do not lift the stitch off the left needle, put the stitch on the right needle, knit two stitches twisted together, knit 3, knit 2 garter stitches, turn and purl 1 row with 2 stitches in garter sts on each side. We use the yarn DROPS Snow in this video.