Jak nabrat oka po straně ponožky

Keywords: kruhová jehlice, ponožky, vroubkový vzor,

V této video-ukázce DROPS uvidíte, jak nabrat oka po straně ponožky a jak přesunout oka z pomocné jehlice či nitě zpět na jehlice.
Můžete použít 2 či více ponožkových jehlic nebo kruhovou jehlici - jako my v ukázce.

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Komentáře (1)

Mary Opella wrote:

I am knitting slippers (Sweet Sara by DROPS Design Pattern no EE-334). I had just begun the right slipper and have already encountered a problem. Knitting the strap was easy, but then the directions state: "Cut the thread and put [strap] stitches on a holder" and then to "cast on 3 sts (toward the toes), work sts from holder [the strap] and cast on 6 sts toward the heel". Is there a video to show me what is meant by these directions? I am baffled!

22.08.2023 - 23:39

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Opella, after you have worked the strap cut the yarn and put piece aside. Now cast on 3 stitches, work the stitches from the strap then cast on 6 stitches (as shown in this video - seen from RS the new 3 sts will be towards toe while the new 6 sts will be towards heel. Happy knitting!

23.08.2023 - 09:22

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