Cómo tejer el Tip para Aumentar en DROPS 175-1

Etiquetas: jersey, raglán,

En este video DROPS, nosotros te mostramos cómo tejer el Tip para Aumentar utilizado en el pulóver Wild Down en DROPS 175-1.

Tejer hasta que reste 1 punto antes del hilo marcador. Hacer 1 lazada, tejer 2 puntos derechos (el hilo marcador está entre estos 2 puntos) y hacer 1 lazada. En la hilera siguiente, tejer las lazadas retorcidas de derecho para evitar agujeros (los puntos aumentados son tejidos en punto jersey).

Este pulóver es tejido en DROPS Merino Extra Fine, pero, en el video, tejemos con un hilo más grueso; DROPS Snow.

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Comentarios (2)

Jessie wrote:

I am unable to get audio on this video. Help please and thanks

12.08.2021 - 14:54

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jessie, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Enjoy!

12.08.2021 - 16:20

Jessie wrote:

I am unclear where to insert markers or marker threads. Also, where do I start increases for sleeve? Many

12.08.2021 - 14:53

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jessie, you increase for sleeve at the beginning of sleeve, after A.1 and at the end of sleeve before next A.1. there is no specific markers to add there but you can add some on each side of A.1 if it can help. Happy knitting!

12.08.2021 - 16:20

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