Come lavorare il motivo a ventaglio in DROPS 153-36

Keywords: cappello, diagramma, motivo a ventaglio,

In questo video DROPS vi mostriamo come lavorare il motivo a ventaglio per il cappello Glimpse of Spring in DROPS 153-36. Lavoriamo come segue in tondo: A.1, quattro ripetizioni di A.2 e finire con A.3. Lavoriamo il motivo una volta in altezza.

Questo cappello è lavorato in DROPS Muskat, ma nel video lavoriamo con un filato più spesso, DROPS Snow.

Dovete leggere il modello e guardare i diagrammi per essere in grado di seguire questo video in maniera corretta.
Potete vedere il modello cliccando sulla foto sotto.

Il video sopra può essere utilizzato per i seguenti modelli

Commenti (6)

Ulla wrote:

Ingen lyd på den henviste video på YouTube. Jeg er øvet hækler, og forstår ikke jeres mønster/diagram. Har i et andet diagram til opskriften, som ville være nemmere at gennemskue?

23.12.2021 - 16:42

Laura wrote:

I found this pattern to be so safisticated and pretty I cannot wait to try it. Thank you so much for the videos as well. ☺️

17.02.2021 - 23:53

Terri wrote:

Video does not play. I have the most recent flash player and other videos play just fine but this one does not :(

16.03.2019 - 03:48

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Terri, not sure why you cannot read this video, but you can find it also here on YouTube. Happy knitting!

18.03.2019 - 14:08

Tricia wrote:

Whilst I agree with Cyndi that the video would not be needed if normal crochet instructions were used,I did find the video useful especially on the second row of the diagram. The fact that there wasn't any sound didn't bother me at all, in fact I preferred it to some of the annoying voices that one hears on You Tube etc.

24.07.2018 - 10:43

Cyndi wrote:

I think the diagram and video needlessly confuse how to make the fan pattern. Using normal crochet instructions would be much clearer.

09.04.2018 - 00:29

Biscuit wrote:

The video has no sound. I clicked for U.S. and my computer speakers were on and turned up but still there is no sound. If you get it fixed, please send me an email with this address as a link. I sure would love to know how to read diagrams in order to make a fabric. Thank you so very much.

28.09.2016 - 21:32

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Biscuit, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Enjoy!

29.09.2016 - 09:51

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