Cómo tejer A.1 y A.2 en DROPS 168-15

Etiquetas: aguja circular, diagrama, patrón de calados, top,

En este video DROPS, nosotros te mostramos cómo tejer los diagramas A.1 y A.2 para el top Charlotte en DROPS 168-15. Ya tejimos 2 surcos en punto musgo y los primeros puntos en punto jersey. Este top es hecho en DROPS Paris, pero, en el video, tejemos con un hilo más grueso, DROPS Snow. Deberás leer el patrón y ver los diagramas para poder seguir este video correctamente. Encontrarás el patrón haciendo clic en la fotografía abajo.

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Comentarios (5)

Angela Lim wrote:

When i look at the video, i dont see the knitter doing the yarn over (YO). From the pattern, it looks like [yo, k, yo, k, yo, k, yo, k, yo, k, yo] , is it correct that i shd do the [YO] in bet the K 4 tog & K 4 twisted tog, so as to compensate the decrease of stitches?

17.08.2021 - 08:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lim, correct, this means you will work A.2 as follows: K4 together, (YO, K1) x 5, YO, K4 twisted together = you decreased 3 sts 2 times = 6 stitches and there are 6 yarn overs = number of stitches remain the same. Happy knitting!

17.08.2021 - 10:33

Joyce A. Martin wrote:

Can not follow the video. It is too fast. Need the neme of the stitch. Thank you.

21.04.2018 - 15:55

Fern wrote:

Would you please tell me the name of the twisted stitch in DROPS 168-15? I have watched the video repeatedly but, without sound, it goes too fast for me to understand how to do the stitch. I would either appreciate your telling me how the stitch is completed or telling me the stitch name so that I might find a slower video online. Thank you.

21.04.2018 - 00:01

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Fern, please find here how to K 4 sts twisted tog and here how to K4 sts tog. Happy knitting!

23.04.2018 - 11:44

Jeanne Lalonde wrote:

Pourquoi dans le modèle 167-10 faut-il monter 75 mailles lorsque le A1 =8 m. A2= 59m. et A3= 6m. Je compte 73m en tout.

25.02.2016 - 14:34

DROPS Design answered:

C'est bien 73 mailles. La correction a ete faite. Merci!

10.10.2016 - 14:08

Lynda wrote:

Je fais le modele drops 170 1. je ne comprend pas les diagrammes. pouvez-vous m aider

23.02.2016 - 15:35

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lynda, dans le diagramme, 1 case = 1 bride x 1 rang. Crochetez les couleurs en suivant le diagramme - voir onglet vidéo pour ce modèle pour savoir comment faire les changements de couleur. Bon crochet!

24.02.2016 - 10:50

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