How to crochet A.1 to the shawl in DROPS 170-38

Keywords: hvězdičkový vzor, krajkový vzor, schéma, šály,

In this DROPS video we show you how to crochet the beginning of the Evening Evelyn shawl in DROPS 170-38 according to chart A.1. We crochet the entire chart

This shawl is made in DROPS Nepal, but in the video we crochet with a thicker yarn, DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern and look at the chart to be able to follow. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the pictures below.

Komentáře (2)

Mary wrote:

Excellent, even for beginners!

30.08.2017 - 20:17

Kristine wrote:

Synes det er trist at dere lærer folk å hekle med så dårlig teknikk. Å holde kroken slik er veldig slitsomt for hendene og skadelig i lengden. Kroken skal holdes som en blyant.

29.02.2016 - 22:00

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