Jak plést zvýšení zadního průkrčníku

Keywords: zkrácené řady,

V této video-ukázce DROPS si ukážeme, jak plést zvýšení zadního průkrčníku pomocí zkrácených řad.
Tuto techniku často používáme v našich návodech, např. při pletení kalhot, pulovrů a svetrů. V naší ukázce pleteme od začátku kruhové řady (= značka / střed zadního průkrčníku) takto:
upleteme hladce 10 ok, práci otočíme (aby se v pletenině netvořily dírky, sejmeme při pletení zpět první oko a utáhneme přízi). Upleteme 20 ok hladce, otočíme práci, pleteme 30 ok hladce, otočíme práci, upleteme 40 ok hladce a otočíme práci. Nakonec upleteme 1 kruhovou řadu lícovým žerzejem.

Kromě této ukázky je nutné si přečíst také návod a prohlédnout schémata. Návody s touto technikou najdete rozkliknutím fotky modelu níže.

Tuto video-ukázku využijete u následujících návodů

Komentáře (55)

Penny wrote:

How can I do this on crocheted sweaters?

04.01.2018 - 19:46

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Penny, on crocheted sweaters, you may use different types of sts on different height, depending on the pattern and stitch used. Remember you can always get help from the store where you bought your yarn. Happy crocheting!

08.01.2018 - 10:24

Elizabeth Petrie wrote:

For a short-row neck elevation: "work until 7 stitches remain, turn, work back until 7 stitches remain, turn, work until 10 stitches remain, turn,... and so on. My question: are the 10 stitches inclusive of the 7 that were left already, i.e. turn at 10 meaning the 7 plus 3 more? It seems logical, but it\'s a new technique to me. Thanks, everybody, for your help!

29.11.2017 - 22:26

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Petrie, in this example that's right, there will be 10 sts unworked, including the first 7 sts, ie 7+3 sts = 10 sts left unworked. Happy knitting!

30.11.2017 - 08:51

Karen Strong wrote:

Where's the sound?

11.11.2017 - 09:50

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Strong, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Remember to always follow the pattern you are working on at the same time for the number of sts. Enjoy!

13.11.2017 - 13:16

Sunniva wrote:

Hva gjør dere i videoen på tidspunktet 2.40? Sett den utallige ganger nå uten å bli helt klok... Takk på forhånd :)

25.07.2017 - 02:06

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Sunniva. Tid fra 2:35 til 2:52. I videoen strikkes det vrang fra vrangen og når hun kommer til andre vending, tar hun tråden mot seg, snur strikketøyet, viser hva som er blitt strikket, strammer tråden, løfter 1. maske over på høyre pinne (men, tid:2:46 - ser nesten ut som om hun skal strikke masken, men ombestemmer seg og løfter den kun over) og starter å strikke videre (rett fra retten). God Fornøyelse!

09.08.2017 - 07:20

Sara wrote:

Is there any way to show this technique in a non-continental fashion?

06.07.2016 - 04:17

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Sara, the videos are showing the standard techniques, just look at what is here done, ie short rows from RS and from WS to make an elevation, and this can be worked any way continental or not. Happy knitting!

06.07.2016 - 08:18

Katrin wrote:

Vielen lieben Dank! Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich mir diese Erklärung gewünscht - nun ist sie da und ich werde jetzt mit neuem Mut an eine Anleitung mit einer "Erhöhung an der hinteren Mitte" herangehen! :-)

25.01.2016 - 19:02

Catherine wrote:

I am not getting sound on Facebook or when watch on YouTube. Other video by other sites come in ok, ie only Drops video is muted even when click on unmute button to try and fix sound. Watching with Kindle tablet first generation HD. Thanks!

24.01.2016 - 13:56

Catherine answered:

Found my answer doesn't gave sound, that's what I thought at first but noticed a question by YouTube video that looked like it asked specific question about commentary on raglan vid maybe. Thank you for these videos will enjoy them!!

24.01.2016 - 14:00

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