How to knit a shifted rib (1)

Keywords: pružný vzor, šikmý/posunutý,

A shifted rib can shape a rib pattern or a whole garment. There are many ways to knit a shifted rib.

In this DROPS video we knit in rib * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-* around. When the displacing of the rib begins, work 1 round where the rib is displaced 1 stitch to the left as follows: Over K 2, P 2 there will be P 1, K 2, P 1.
*Work 3 rounds with K over K and P over P, displace the rib 1 st to the left on next round (= 4 rounds) *, repeat from *-*.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow. You’ll find patterns using this technique by clicking on the pictures below.

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Komentáře (5)

Olga Kalvan wrote:

Everything is fully understand. Thanks a lot.

26.08.2020 - 18:28

Asta wrote:

I think the video is very clear and helpful. Thank you.

03.01.2020 - 14:39

Margaret Carroll-Valat wrote:

I have to agree with Barbara, I find this hard to follow, English is an universal language and many people speak it, you would at least be helping those that do and I don't see how having sound could be an obstical to seeing the video. Margaret.

10.09.2017 - 19:44

Barbara wrote:

With no explanation in words or writing looks just like someone knitting. No help at all.

31.03.2017 - 20:07

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Barbara, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. you always have to read the written pattern at the same time to understand how to work as in the video. Happy knitting!

03.04.2017 - 13:35

Claire Lajoie wrote:

Comment faire une tuque en décalant les mailles? merci

29.11.2015 - 00:50

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Lajoie, cliquez ici pour nos modèles de bonnets (entre autres) avec un point en spirale. Bon tricot!

30.11.2015 - 11:28

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