Come lavorare all'uncinetto seguendo il diagramma A.1 per la borsa in DROPS 211-25

Keywords: borsa, cerchio, diagramma, punti traforati,

In questo video DROPS vi mostriamo come lavorare all'uncinetto seguendo il diagramma A.1 per la borsa “Garden Paths” in DROPS 211-25.
Questa borsa è lavorata all'uncinetto in DROPS Paris, lo stesso filato usato nel video.

Dovete leggere il modello e guardare il diagramma per essere in grado di seguire questo video in maniera corretta. Troverete il modello cliccando sulla foto sotto.

Commenti (5)

Cat wrote:

It’s such a beautiful pattern and worth every minute to watch the video and understand the pattern. I am one who dislike watching tutorials but this is so easy and not long winded. Thanks for the pattern! I now have another beautiful crochet bag!

29.08.2023 - 18:55

Ulrike Leuten wrote:

Ich kann die Kritik nicht nachvollziehen. Es ist so langsam und gut sichtbar gefilmt, so dass es mir sehr leicht fällt, neue Projekte in Angriff zu nehmen und so langsam auch die Zeichen der Häkelschrift verstehe. Danke, ihr macht das ganz toll.

29.05.2022 - 19:32

Shannon wrote:

Throwing my two cents in . I"m not good at alot of things, but I am a very strong crocheter . It's very difficult to follow the chat and not a written pattern.

25.05.2022 - 15:22

Zanne wrote:

I agree with the previous comment. Instructions should be written. I do not read charts and have no intention to learn right now. ALL other patterns I have purchased contain both written instructions and a chart. You have some really nice patterns, but I won’t be crocheting any of them.

02.05.2022 - 07:53

Laurel Girard wrote:

It is nearly impossible to follow this video. In the second row of the first section, I can see there are sc made between the tc, but I can’t tell what the additional stitches above the tc are. The chart doesn’t help. The eight tc in a ring look like a wagon wheel on the sketch and it’s impossible to tell what is above them. Since this is an instructional tutorial on the bag and not on learning to read charts, there should be either written instructions or audio directions.

04.06.2021 - 02:49

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