Cómo elaborar a ganchillo una banda para la cabeza con torsada y puntos en relieve – Parte 2

Etiquetas: banda para la cabeza, puntos en relieve, textura, torsada,

En este video DROPS, nosotros te mostramos cómo elaborar a ganchillo la banda para la cabeza Brady con torsada y puntos en relieve en DROPS 192-13. Ya trabajamos las hileras 1-7. Trabajamos las hileras 8-11, pero no mostramos todos los puntos medios altos.

Esta banda para la cabeza está elaborada en DROPS Nepal, pero, en el video, trabajamos con un hilo más grueso; DROPS Snow.

Deberás leer el patrón y ver los diagramas para poder seguir este video correctamente. Encontrarás el patrón haciendo clic en la fotografía abajo.

El video arriba puede ser usado en los siguientes patrones

Comentarios (2)

Faye wrote:

HI. AM HAVING TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING AFTER COMPLETING THE WHILE CHART, A1, the pattern says to only knit chart A1a for the balance of the headband. Is this correct. And is the separation between rows 7 & 8 It does not work out

22.11.2020 - 15:32

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Faye, this video shows row 1 to 7 in A.1 - but you will repeat row 4 to 11 = A.1a only. In the first video we end with a WS row = row 7, this video starts with the next RS row with cables = row 8. Hope this will help. Happy crocheting!

23.11.2020 - 11:23

Peggy A wrote:

At one point, the hands indicate following the patter beginning at the right edge moving to the left, then for the next row, begin again at the right edge and move to the right. Then, at another place in the video, hands indicate to move from right to left, then upon reaching the left edge, move from left to right for the next row. I’m confused... Do you (on reading the pattern) move from right to left, then (reading from the pattern) go back to the right edge and read from right to left?

15.01.2020 - 01:09

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Peggy, diagrams are read from the right towards the left from RS and from the left towards the right from WS. Read more about crochet diagrams here. Happy crocheting!

15.01.2020 - 10:05

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