Kuidas kududa pitsmustrit

Keywords: pitsmustriga, skeem,

Selles DROPSi videos me näitame, kuidas kududa pitsmustrit.
Me loome 26 silmust ja koome skeemi järgi, tehes 2 ääresilmuse mõlemal küljel ripskoes (22+4 silmust).
tühi ruut = parempidi silmus töö paremal pool, pahempidi silmus töö pahemal pool.
must täpp = pahempidi silmus töö paremal pool, parempidi silmus töö pahemal pool
kolmnurk vasakule = 2 parempidi kokku.
kolmnurk paremale = 2 ületõstmisega kokku (tõsta 1 silmus parempidise võttega kudumata, 1 parempidi silmus, tõsta kudumata silmus üle äsja kootud silmuse).
kolmnurk üles = 3 ületõstmisega kokku (tõsta 1 silmus parempidise võttega kudumata, 2 parempidi silmus, tõsta kudumata silmus üle äsja kootud silmuse).
tühi ring = 1 õhksilmus 2 silmuse vahele.
Selles videos me kasutame DROPS Snow lõnga.

Kommentaarid (5)

Maria Angeles wrote:

7 me gustaría saber porque unas veces se crece en el delantero y otras veces en las mangas es que yo lo entiendo

25.04.2023 - 20:32

Anita K Jonsdottir wrote:

Do you have this pattern somewhere, I would like to knit it.

21.04.2019 - 09:05

DROPS Design answered:

Blessuð Anita. Þú getur farið inn á valmyndina Skýringar og hjálp á síðunni okkar og þar finnur þú mynsturs innblástur. Ef þú smellir á þann hlekk þá færðu fullt mynsturgerðum með númerum á mynstrinu. Gangi þér vel.

23.04.2019 - 15:06

Catherine Murphy wrote:

Your patterns are beautiful, and the videos are very well presented, instructive,and easily understood. A great asset for knitters.

26.11.2017 - 18:46

Catherine Murphy wrote:

Hello, My question is, when working a chart as in pattern 137-4, chart M.2, I would like some help. I'm new to lace knitting. Does the number of stitches change in the rep eat, or do they remain the same, and the stitches only increase on the panels before and after the repeat. That is my way thinking. Thank you so much for your help.

26.11.2017 - 18:43

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Murphy, the number of sts in M.2 will inc by 2 sts on every other row (= every row from RS). You can add a marker between each repeat to make sure you can follow number of sts as in diagram. Happy knitting!

27.11.2017 - 11:17

Gustella Miller wrote:

Love the clarity of the videos, seeing how the yarns are worked up, such as the Alpaca, Silk, and the Eskimo was very helpful, Thank You.

28.09.2017 - 02:46


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