How to crochet the bubbles that are used in 4th clue in DROPS Mystery blanket Spring Lane

Keywords: deky,

In this DROPS video we show how to crochet the bubbles that are used in 4th clue in DROPS Mystery blanket Spring Lane. This blanket are crocheted in DROPS ♥ You #8, but in the video we work with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow.

1 = BUBBLE AT THE START OF THE ROUND: 3 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 treble crochet), work 3 treble crochets in the same stitch, slip the loop from the last treble crochet, push the hook in the front of the third chain stitch on the top of the first treble crochet worked, pick up the loop from the last treble crochet and pull it through the stitch on the hook
2 = BUBBLE: Work 4 treble crochets in the same stitch, slip the loop from the last treble crochet, push the hook in the front of the top of the first treble crochet worked, pick up the loop from the last treble crochet and pull it through the stitch on the hook

To read more about DROPS CAL Spring Lane, go to: Join a DROPS-Along

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