Video #87, je zařazeno do: Knitting Videos, Cast on, Other
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Mette napsala:
I love the fact that you don’t speak during your videos. I have tried several videos on YouTube but always end up here. Americans post loads of videos, but mostly jabber on for a good five minutes before getting to the point. I almost tare my hair out trying to watch, but your videos are crystal clear, short and absolutely fantastic!
01.11.2018 - 19:58Maria Luisa Cevolani napsala:
Thank you for your nice and clear videos!
06.05.2015 - 18:38Nancy Goldberg napsala:
I learn new tequniches and patterns through video, but how can you learn without voices. I need to hear as well as watch what you are doing. Will that ever change. So many beuatiful patterns that I now can't work on.
23.01.2015 - 03:35Dominique napsala:
Bin ganz begeistert von Ihren stillen Videos, mit den guten Beschreibungen! Da reicht ja einmal gut hinschauen. VIELEN Dank!
09.09.2014 - 10:50Elina napsala:
I love your vids. I wanted to learn this cast on and with your slow demo it makes it easy for me to learn. Thank you. Would love to see a demo of the fisherman's rib, can't find one.
01.02.2014 - 01:14Mara napsala:
Straordinario, per me che sono un'appassionata principiante i vostri video sono chiarissimi.
18.01.2014 - 10:11Pepii napsala:
Excellent! Love these slow, clear instructions. Keep coming back to these movies to freshen up my skills. Thank you!
28.09.2013 - 09:37Lisalill napsala:
Vilka bra instruktionsvideos, jag lär mig nya saker hela tiden!
02.02.2013 - 17:47Susann napsala:
Vielen, vielen Dank für die tolle Anleitung! Sie haben mi,r wie schon so oft, mit Ihren Videos weitergeholfen.
18.08.2012 - 11:27Vaši emailovou adresu nezveřejníme. Povinná pole jsou označena *.
Inger Pettersson napsala:
Tack så mycket för instruktionsvideon! Mycket vackert och fint resultat. Inger
17.07.2023 - 14:21