Video nr592, leiab siit: Kudumise videod, Passe, Raglan
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Jill Collodora kirjutas:
Working on Quiet Bay Pattern z-1037. I need help placing the markers to set up the raglan. I’m understanding that the BOR is changed to 46 stitches in. Is that correct? This is where I get lost. Help please and thank you.
25.01.2025 - 22:06DROPS Design :
Dear Jill, the inserted marker is for measuring the piece and is located in the mid-front ; the beginning of the round is still the same as before, at right shoulder at the back. So, when inserting the markers at the yoke, you have: marker 1 at the beginning, 28 sleeve stitches, marker 2 in transition between right sleeve and front piece, 36 front piece stitches, marker 3 in the transition between front piece and left sleeve, 28 sleeve stitches, marker 4 in the transition between left sleeve and back piece stitches, last stitches in the round are in the back piece. Happy knitting!
26.01.2025 - 19:54
Venus kirjutas:
Que tamaño de aguja circular es esa.
15.01.2025 - 14:37DROPS Design :
Hola Venus, el ejemplo se ha trabajado con DROPS Eskimo/DROPS Snow, que se trabaja con una aguja de 9mm.
19.01.2025 - 12:57
Elvira kirjutas:
Hej.Denna video stämmer inte med er beskrivning för tröjan jag stickar, DROPS 191-30. Jag blir bara mer förvirrad. På denna tröja jag stickar är det två raglan som går jäms med varandra. Hade gärna haft en video hur beskrivning för denna tröja ska stickas. Kan ni inte göra en sådan video. Skulle så gärna vilja sticka denna tröja.
29.12.2024 - 23:32DROPS Design :
Hei Elvira. Dette er en generell video om hvordan en genser strikkes ovenfra og ned. Du må følge beskrivelsen / teknikkene som står i den oppskriften du strikker etter. Vi har dessverre ingen mulighet til å lage video til alle plagg vi har, men følg beskrivelsen og se på hjelpevidoene som er linket til oppskriften og har du et spesifisert spørsmål så hjelper vi med det. Bare husk å oppgi hvor du er i oppskriften og hvilken størrelse du strikker. mvh DROPS Design
02.01.2025 - 09:25
Tina kirjutas:
Det går alt for hurtigt - kan overhovedet ikke se, hvad det er jeg skal være opmærksom på.
10.12.2024 - 22:47
Lisa kirjutas:
Hi there I am start knitting one of your patterns no bm-076 But I not understand A1 : 9st K1, P 3, k1 black mark next to it, what is that mean? Is that mean yarn over next row knit through back loop ? Then P3 , k1 I would like to get responses asap. Kind: Lisa
23.07.2024 - 09:03DROPS Design :
Dear Lisa, black oval = between 2 stitches make 1 yarn over, on the next round knit the yarn over twisted (avoids a hole). It's just that the yarn over is between a knit stitch and a purl stitch. This yarn over is then knit twisted on the next row (so knit on the back loop). Happy knitting!
27.07.2024 - 18:53
Paulina kirjutas:
Hello, Referring to my last question about the raglan. I'm doing Bright Moon Rising 245/23. At the following step, just before diving the piece: "There are 232-244-264-284-300-316 stitches. Continue with stocking stitch, without further increases, until the yoke measures 23-25-28-28-31-35 cm..." I need a couple of cm to reach 28cm (L size). Do I use only knit stitches everywhere or do I keep 2P, 2K, 2P raglan until the dividing moment?
29.04.2024 - 10:07DROPS Design :
Dear Paulina, continue working all stitches exactly as before, ie with P2, K2, P2 for raglan and knit all remaining stitches. Happy knitting!
29.04.2024 - 10:28
Paulina kirjutas:
Hello, I have a question regarding raglan (the raglan itself is 2purls, 2 knits, 2 purls) after the increase is done. I mean, i have already enough stitches but I need to continue with knitting before dividing the sweater for front/back and arms until I reach certain length. So the question is do I still maintain the 2P, 2K, 2P raglan till the divide moment even though I'm not increasing anymore? Or do I do only knits over the raglan since the increase is done?
27.04.2024 - 19:21DROPS Design :
Dear Paulina, which pattern are you working? Could you indicate the pattern number? Unless otherwise specified, you should maintain the established pattern, even if you have finished the increases. For example, you should keep the rib pattern as before. The raglan stitches should now be integrated in the rib pattern. However, some models may have a separate pattern for the raglan stitches to obtain a different texture, so we can't help you unless we know the exact model. Happy knitting!
29.04.2024 - 00:34
Jacqueline kirjutas:
Ik ben 64 en heb geen zin om een hele nieuwe manier van breien te leren. Hebben jullie ook patronen voor een simpele, op rechte naalden gebreide, trui met raglan mouwen en een kleine col? Door een schouderprobleem kan ik onmogelijk zo'n hele trui aan mijn naalden hebben hangen. In losse onderdelen lukt het nog wel. Maar ik kan nergens meer een gewoon, simpel patroon in tricotsteek vinden.
25.04.2024 - 16:25DROPS Design :
Dag Jacqueline,
Veel patronen worden inderdaad met de rondbreinaald en van boven naar beneden gemaakt. Als je op de site filtert op constructie van onder naar boven en wat terug scrolt naar de wat oudere patronen, dan vindt je wel patronen met losse panden die je aan elkaar naait.
Verder hebben we een instructie gemaakt om een patroon aan te passen om op rechte naalden te breien. Dit kun je niet voor ieder patroon gebruiken, maar misschien heb je er toch wat aan. Deze instructie vind je hier.
10.05.2024 - 09:40
Angie kirjutas:
Dear Drops Team, thank you very much for this lovely pattern. It's gorgeous and I have tryed about 8 Times to knit this pattern, but always fallen. Is it maybe possible to do a video to show how this leave-pattern is knitted. It would be so helpful. And it's always very helpful to hear an explaination. Many thanks and best regards
23.04.2024 - 21:18DROPS Design :
Dear Angie, maybe you should tell us which pattern you are working on? That would be easier to have a look on the pattern to help you, please remember to tell us which size you are working on and which part is tricky for you. You will also find some lessons that could help you here. Happy knitting!
24.04.2024 - 08:33E-maili aadressi ei avaldata. Vajalikud väljad *.
Good day, it would be helpful if there is sound to the videos or at least subtitles.
10.01.2025 - 08:58