How to knit a simple lace / cable pattern

Keywords: copánek, kabátky, krajkový vzor, lem, schéma,

In this DROPS video we show how to knit a pretty little lace /cable pattern, which we have used in several of our designs. We knit over the first 15 sts on right front piece, and we knit 1 repeat of the chart in height.

Row 1, RS: K 5 (= edge sts in garter st), K1, P3, diagram A.1 (= K1 , 1 yo, K1), P 3 and K1
Row 2, WS: P1, K3, A.1 (= P 3), K3, P1 and K 5 edge sts.
Row 3: K 5, K1, P3, A.1 (=K 3, pass first st worked over the other 2 so that this st is around the last 2 sts on right needle)
Row 4: P 1, K3, A.1 (= P2), K3, P1 and K 5.
Repeat these 4 rows one more time for a complete pattern repetition in height.

You must read the pattern and look at the chart to be able to follow. You’ll find patterns using this technique by clicking on the pictures below.

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