Kuidas heegeldada ruutu tekile DROPS Extra 0-1363

Keywords: ruut, tekk,

Selles DROPSi videos näitame, kuidas heegeldada ruutu skeemi A.1 järgi teki „Turn Around“ juhendis DROPS Extra 0-1363.
Kasutame ainult ühte värvi, näitame algust ja natuke igat ringi.

Juhendis kasutatakse DROPS Big Delight ja Alaska lõnga, aga videos me kasutame jämedamat lõnga DROPS Snow.
Selle projekti tegemiseks tuleb lugeda tervet juhendit ja vaadata skeeme lisaks videole. Vaata mustrit, kus on kasutatud seda tehnikat, klikkides pildil allpool.

Selles videos olevat tehnikat on kasutatud järgmistes mustrites

Kommentaarid (3)

Bernadene wrote:

Love the video and to learn how to read the charts is awesome.

06.06.2020 - 06:56

Penny Hickman wrote:

First of all there is no sound to the video? would like to know what size crochet needle to use and how many squares for a king size bed? Please. thank you.

12.05.2020 - 17:33

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Hickman, no videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. You will find the pattern, materials and sizes here, we are unfortunately not able to adjust every pattern to every single request but your DROPS store should be able to help you - even per mail. Happy crocheting!

13.05.2020 - 09:12

GRAŻYNA wrote:


12.05.2020 - 00:11


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