How to knit Fair Isle (2 color knitting) continental

Keywords: chart, colourwork, stripes,

In this DROPS video we show how you can knit Fair Isle (2 colour knitting) using the continental method.

In this video we are following a chart back and forth on needles, knitting with two colors. The color that not is knitted is following behind the work when knitting RS rows. Make sure it's not too tight or too loose. If more than 3 sts in a row of one of the colors, then twist the yarns for every 3 sts, by picking up the working yarn alternately above and under the yarn following on the back. When working WS rows have the yarn following in front of work, again make sure you have the right tension on the thread. Note - if a color not is used all the way at the end of the row, you can drop it, but if it will be used at the beginning of the next row, then keep carry it a long by twisting around the working yarn. Don't worry if it's a bit uneven, it will even out a lot when blocking.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow. You’ll find patterns where this technique is used by clicking on the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (61)

Wieteke wrote:

Heeft u hier een video uitleg van? "Als u meer dan 3 steken van dezelfde kleur achter elkaar breit in het patroon, draai de draden dan om elkaar heen per 3 gebreide steken."

18.03.2012 - 17:05

Janet Milne wrote:

Great videos of the UK and continental methods of doing Fair Isle. But please can you do one of the mixed method, i.e. one yarn in one hand and the contrast yarn in the other. This works really well for me in the round with knit only, but I get into trouble in back and forth on the purl rows.

28.12.2011 - 17:52

Amy K wrote:

Very clearly demonstrated- thank you!

08.12.2011 - 12:55

Denise wrote:

Thank you so much for posting the Fair Isle video. It all makes sense now!

28.11.2011 - 19:16

Marzak wrote:


17.10.2011 - 09:14

Föroyar wrote:

You knit very differently from in the Faroes :O

30.08.2011 - 22:02

Marianne Kempe wrote:

Cool :))

28.08.2011 - 20:41

Audrey wrote:

Ma mère m'a montré une autre technique qui fait que mon tricot est beaucoup trop serré, et donc mon motif est souvent déformé. Je vais essayer cette technique, elle semble beaucoup mieux que celle de ma mère!

16.07.2011 - 05:20

Andrea wrote:

Me encanta esta página he podido crear algunas prendas, en las cuales he conseguido mejores terminaciones andrea de chile

08.06.2011 - 22:32

DROPS Design wrote:

Hola Nina, eso nos da mucho gusto, y no te olvides de usar lanas originales DROPS para obtener resultados perfectos. Nuestras lanas también llegan a Chile! =)

18.05.2011 - 09:03

Nina Isis Forján Alcayaga wrote:

Me gusta mucho el tejido, me siento encantada de haber encontrado esta página tan maravillosa y poder compartirlas con mis amigas de Chile.

18.05.2011 - 02:07

Elisabeth wrote:

Mycket fina videos! Lätt att förstå och det underlättar med en video isf en bild. Vad skulle jag göra utan er hemsida? =)

21.03.2011 - 11:31

Sonia Frappier wrote:

Je suis une personne qui n'a pas beaucoup d'expérience en tricot et je trouve que la vidéo est très bien expliquée et je crois que je serai capable de confectionner la tuque. Merci pour le beau site que vous produisez. Sonia

18.01.2011 - 04:40

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