Kuidas kududa palmikuid DROPS 176-12

Keywords: jakk, palmik, skeem,

Selles DROPSi videos me näitame, kuidas kududa palmikuid skeemil A.1 jaki juhendis DROPS 176-3.
Videos me koome nii: 4 nööbiliistusilmust ripskoes, 1 pahempidi, skeemi A.1 (= 4 s esimesel real) 2 korda, 1 pahempidi silmus, 1 parempidi. Meil on tehtud juba skeem A.1 1 kord vertikaalselt.

Juhendis kasutatakse DROPS Paris lõnga, aga videos me kasutame DROPS Snow lõnga.
Selle projekti tegemiseks tuleb lugeda tervet juhendit. Vaata juhendit, klikkides pildil allpool.

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Kommentaarid (1)

Wanda Finniemore wrote:

What is the stitch count on this sweater after the first increases, I am really confused on where to increase. How many stitches am I going up after round one of the pattern? Thank you

20.03.2020 - 19:17

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Finniemore, number of stitches will depend which row A.1 you are working on - just remember that the cables in A.1 are worked over 4 stitches + 1 when you make the yarn over, so that there will be either 4 sts or 5 sts in each A.1 and either 8 sts or 9 sts in A.2 - And this will also depend on the raglan increases for your size. Happy knitting!

23.03.2020 - 12:04


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