Come cucire le parti a maglia legaccio

In questo video DROPS vi mostriamo come unire le parti a maglia legaccio per ottenere una cucitura invisibile.

Cucire 1 maglia attraverso la nocciolina, poi 1 maglia in mezzo alle noccioline, Cucire avanti e indietro sul diritto del lavoro.

Dovete leggere il modello per essere in grado di seguire. Troverete dei modelli che utilizzano questa tecnica cliccando sulle foto sotto.

Il video sopra può essere utilizzato per i seguenti modelli

Commenti (34)

Kirsti wrote:

Super god video - den "funker"

26.09.2012 - 14:24

Rebeca Tisian wrote:

Helpful videos, thanks to you guys my knitting is more beautiful :))

26.06.2012 - 05:42

Clsudina Ann wrote:

Joining garter stitch seams was even worse for me than knits but your video shows it is so simple. Thanks again for thinking us. Fantastic!!! Claudina Ann

19.06.2012 - 18:01

Lucette wrote:

Vidéo très bien expliquée. Merci.

04.03.2012 - 08:53

Blanca Martinez wrote:

Esta muy bien explicado,yo creia que solo los nudos se cosian!!!...gracias po su paguina esta incleible!!!

01.03.2012 - 19:33

Syria Low wrote:

Oh, I wished I had seen this video. I made a pair of fingerless gloves that was garter sts and I hated the seam on it. This video would have helped me!

21.01.2012 - 15:58

Brit Kavli wrote:

Tusen takk for vidio hjelp, fantastisk hjelp,nå blir det morro å strikke )

14.12.2011 - 09:52

Nina wrote:

Danke viel mals! Sehr hilfreiche Videos^^

17.11.2011 - 14:56

Lis Bech wrote:

Det er rigtig godt ,at vise vidiofilm. Jeg har aldrig kunnet sy pænt sammen, det tror jeg, at jeg kan nu.:-)

30.04.2011 - 17:04

Kathy wrote:

I found these tuitorials fabulous, I just hate the assembling of garments, but after watching the making up on Drops I have have learned the correct way to make up my work. A big THANKYOU.

17.03.2011 - 16:43

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