How to work the last stitch twice

Keywords: je dobré vědět, lem,

In this DROPS video we show how to work the last stitch twice, this is to avoid the edge being tight.
Work like this:
Knit 1 edge stitch, place this stitch back on the left needle and knit the edge stitch again.

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video.

You’ll find a pattern with this technique by clicking on the picture below.

Komentáře (1)

Gitta Ruyter-Palmer wrote:

P1*(k1,P1)twice,k1, (inc. in next stitch ) twice, k1. Not sure about the ( inc. in next stitch) twice. Will it be a knit and plural and will I end up with 3 stitches from 1 stitch.

25.01.2022 - 21:10

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Ruyter-Palmer, could you please ask your question on the pattern you are working on? This might help you to check the pattern and give you the accurate answer. Thanks for your comprehension.

26.01.2022 - 09:38

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