Wie man den Anfang der Jacke 187-7 häkelt

Keywords: Jacke, Kreis, Lochmuster, Rundnadel,

In diesem DROPS Video zeigen wir, wie man gemäß Diagramm A.1 (Beginn) für die Jacke White Shore DROPS 187-7 häkelt. Wir zeigen den Anfang (1 Rapport von A.1) und das Ende jeder Runde. Diese Jacke wird laut Anleitung in DROPS Belle gehäkelt, aber wir verwenden im Video ein dickeres Garn, DROPS Snow. Beachten Sie, dass es nötig ist, zusätzlich zum Video auch die Anleitung und das Diagramm zu lesen. Zur Anleitung gelangen Sie, wenn Sie auf das Bild unten klicken.

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Kommentare (2)

Dottie Mauri wrote:

I could only follow the tutorial. The written instructions are horrible and I don't understand the diagrams only after I followed the tutorial. I made the square I don't know where to go from there. I'm a pretty experienced crocheter, once I made the square it wasn't that difficult at all. IS THERE ANOTHER TUTORIAL TO GO FROM THE INITIAL ONE?

03.06.2018 - 22:18

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Mauri, we are sorry to hear you have problems reading the pattern, as you know, there are hundred of ways to write or format crochet patterns, for any further individual assistance reading our patterns and diagrams you are welcome to contact the store where you bought your yarn - even per mail or telephone. Happy crocheting!

04.06.2018 - 10:14

Fatima wrote:

Very nice

25.05.2018 - 01:27

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