Clue #8 - Forget-Me-Not

It's time to work on some more small squares and this time it's not really a mystery because you know these steps since clue #3. The difference is now we are crocheting 28 of them, in two different colour combinations!

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We will work 4 rounds in square A.4B with the following colours:

CAST ON + ROUND 1: 06 light jeans blue
ROUNDS 2-3: 05 light wash
ROUND 4: 01 white

Let’s get going!

Work 4 chain stitches with light jeans blue, form them to a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch.

Work 1 chain stitch (equivalent to the first double crochet).

Work * 2 chain stitches, 2 double crochets around the ring *, repeat *-* a total of 3 times.

Work 2 chain stitches, 1 double crochet around the ring and finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch at the beginning of the round. Do not change colour.

Work 1 slip stitch around the first chain-space at the same time as you change to light wash, read COLOUR CHANGE TIP below. Cut the light jeans blue strand.

To get the neatest transition when changing colour, work the last stitch before the colour change in the new colour.

Work 3 chain stitches (equivalent to the first treble crochet), 1 treble crochet around the first chain-space, 2 chain stitches, 2 treble crochets around the same chain-space, 1 chain stitch.

Work * 2 treble crochets around the next chain-space, 2 chain stitches, 2 treble crochets around the same chain-space, 1 chain stitch *, repeat *-* a total of 3 times.

Finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round.

Work 1 slip stitch around the first chain-space, 3 chain stitches (equivalent to the first treble crochet), 2 treble crochets around the same chain-space, 2 chain stitches, 3 treble crochets around the same chain-space, 1 chain stitch.

Work * 3 treble crochets around the next chain-space, 2 chain stitches, 3 treble crochets around the same chain-space, 1 chain stitch *, repeat *-* a total of 3 times.

Finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round, at the same time as you change to white. Cut the light wash strand.

Work 1 chain stitch, read CROCHET INFO below.

The round starts with 1 chain stitch before the first double crochet (this chain stitch does not replace the first double crochet).

Work * 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 2 double crochets around the chain-space, 2 chain stitches, 2 double crochets around the same chain-space, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 2 half treble crochets around the chain stitch from rounds 2 and 3 *, repeat *-* a total of 4 times.

Finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch at the beginning of the round. Cut and fasten the strands!


We have now finished one square A.4B, which should measure 8 x 8 cm.

Work a total of 14 of these squares in the same colour combination as shown here:

Now you just need to work 14 more squares in our second colour combination (as seen below).

CAST ON + ROUND 1: light lilac
ROUND 2 - 3: lilac
ROUND 4: white

Complete diagram for clue #8

= 4 chain stitches, form them to a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – see point on circle, the round starts and ends here
= chain stitch
= slip stitch in/around stitch
= double crochet around chain-space/chain-stitch ring
= double crochet in stitch
= treble crochet around chain-space
= 1 half treble crochet around the chain stitch from rounds 2 and 3

Video clue

Are you unsure about how to work the different techniques? See the technique video for clue #3.

Comments (25)

Tina Madsen wrote:

Tæppet er jo flot nok, men for Søren da, jeg synes det er kedeligt med alle de små ens firkanter igen og igen.

20.04.2017 - 15:30

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Tina, Du kan gøre det at du venter et par uger til du kan se hvordan vi sætter ruderne sammen og så vælge du selv hvilke ruder og farver du vil lave flere af. Vi lover at tæppet bliver rigtig flot når det bliver sat sammen. Venlige hilsner DROPS Design

20.04.2017 - 16:05

Helle Klink wrote:

Jeg syntes det er kedeligt at lave det samme og syntes at det var klart bedre sidste år 😕

20.04.2017 - 15:21

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Helle, Vi noterer alle ønsker og synspunkter, da vores mål altid er at gøre så mange som mulig tilfreds med det vi laver. Venlige hilsner fra DROPS Design

20.04.2017 - 16:07

Helena wrote:

Den här calen suger ju! Man kan tro att det är ett skämt att ledtrådarna alltid är samma, dessutom är väl alla less på dessa smårutor nu och en glesare filt är det väl ingen som sett? Massor med hål kommer inte värma direkt!

20.04.2017 - 14:56

Nanna wrote:

Må indrømme at jeg er ved at blive skuffet over dette tæppe, som ellers startede så godt. Jeg lærte at hækle sidste år ved det første cal tæppe, og har haft glædet mig rigtig meget til dette tæppe. Men hvorfor skal vi hele tiden lave det samme? Jeg har valgt nogle helt andre farvekombinationer, og jeg er sikker på at tæppet nok skal blive flot, men må som sagt indrømme at jeg er godt skuffet over at ledetråden går igen, og igen og igen.

20.04.2017 - 14:40

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Nanna, hvis du ikke kan holde ud at lave samme ruder igen, så lav nogle at de andre i samme størrelse. Eller så venter du et par uger til du kan se hvordan vi sætter ruderne sammen og så vælge du selv hvilke ruder og farver du vil lave flere af. Vi lover at tæppet bliver rigtig flot når det bliver sat sammen. Vi håber du kommer over skuffelsen, vi kan love at det ikke er vores mening at gøre vores kunder skuffede! Venlige hilsner DROPS Design

20.04.2017 - 16:04

Nuria wrote:

Hola, ¿Podríais hacer sugerencias u opciones para hacer la manta de un tamaño mayor? (por ejemplo, repetir una pista u otra...) Muchas gracias. Hello, Could you make suggestions or options to make the blanket bigger? (For example, repeat one clue or another ...) Thank you very much.

20.04.2017 - 14:27

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Nuria. Este Cal, como el anterior, es una manta misteriosa. No tenemos el patrón completo hasta el último momento Te recomiendo esperar un poco hasta que salgan más pistas y tengamos una visión de la manta más completa.

22.04.2017 - 13:13

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