Wie man das Sechseck für die Decke 171-59 häkelt

Keywords: Decke, Diagramm,

In diesem DROPS Video zeigen wir, wie man ein Sechseck nach Diagramm A.1 und A.2 häkelt, das für die Decke DROPS 171-59 verwendet wird. Die Decke wird laut Anleitung in DROPS Karisma gehäkelt, aber wir verwenden im Video ein dickeres Garn, DROPS Snow. BEACHTEN Sie, dass es nötig ist, zusätzlich zum Video auch die Anleitung und die Diagramme zu lesen. Zur Anleitung gelangen Sie, wenn Sie auf das Bild unten klicken.

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Kommentare (5)

Jensen Ulla wrote:

Hvorfor er der ikke lyd på jeres vidio ville da være meget nemmere at fatte

26.04.2020 - 16:23

Gajane wrote:

Ok, thank you for both of your answers... i understand i have too may sts-s.. I try to unrip it all and start again from the hexagon... i made 6 hexagons and thought it would be beautiful to change the pattern, and make them large granny hexagons :) Well... I'm just too beginner for this.. Love your videos, thank you so much!

23.01.2017 - 15:15

Gajane wrote:

Regardin to my last question.. is it possible to grow one hexagon, repeating the round 6? Doesn't it go wavy then?

23.01.2017 - 10:22

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Gajane, you can try repeating row 6 with inc as before to increase the hexagon, make sure your tension is correct, it shouldn't be wavy. Happy crocheting!

23.01.2017 - 11:28

Gajane wrote:

Hello.. I started with the pattern here, and after 1 hexagon, i tried to continue with granny squares.. but unfortunately my hexagon is now wavy.. any ideas why it happened? Too many sts-s? It would be great also, if you could make a tutorial, how to make square out of a hexagon :)

23.01.2017 - 08:06

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Gajane, it isn't supposed to be wavy, make sure you have correct tension and correct number of sts. Happy crocheting!

23.01.2017 - 11:27

Clare wrote:

Very nice

13.11.2016 - 08:06

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