Vidéo #307, classé dans: Vidéos Tricot, Chaussettes & Chaussons, Talons, Tutoriels Modèles Tricot
Nos vidéos n'ont pas de son. Nous sommes une entreprise internationale et nos vidéos sont regardées par des personnes parlant différentes langues et beaucoup d'entre elles ne comprennent pas le français. Comme on ne peut utiliser aucune langue déterminée, nous avons des instructions écrites pour accompagner la vidéo, et il n'y a pas de son perturbant lorsque vous regardez la vidéo.
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Francisca Muzard a écrit:
Me gustaría que tuviera audio porque no se ve muy bien como disminuye el talón. Me gusta mucho ese video pero como dije falta el audio. Además quisiera saber cuantos ptos tiene el calcetín al empezar. Muchas gracias por responder.
01.05.2024 - 17:50DROPS Design :
Hola Francisca, los videos no tienen audio porque son iguales para todos los idiomas. El nº de pts dependen del patrón que estés trabajando; este video sirve como apoyo para nuestros patrones. Puedes ver debajo del video algunos patrones en los que se puede aplicar este método.
05.05.2024 - 19:52Terri a écrit:
On the Daisy dancing sock pattern, on the leg pattern when you go from 60 stitches then rib pattern for 3 cm. After that you are to work one round and adjust your stitches to 54. My question is what decrease do you use to get to 54 stitches?
03.04.2023 - 02:52DROPS Design :
Dear Terri, you can simply decrease evenly by knitting 2 stitches together. See how to decrease evenly here: Happy knitting!
06.04.2023 - 20:36Melissa Boling a écrit:
Useless. No sound, and when she does the purling row, I have no idea what she does. I never saw anyone purl like that.
15.02.2022 - 21:14DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Boling, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Enjoy! The purled stitches are worked here with the Norwegian method - see the video here. Happy knitting!
16.02.2022 - 11:47Fernanda Da Roz a écrit:
Hello! I’m not sure how to do this part: Work in stockinette st back and forth over heel sts for 5-5,5-6 cm - at the same time on 1st row dec 0-2-0 sts evenly = 18-20-22 sts. —- Should I decrease purl or knit sts? Can I knit the first, decrease one, continue until three sts remain, decrease another one and knit the last one? Thank you 🙏🏻 :)
29.09.2020 - 17:33DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Da Roz, yes sure you can decrease 2 sts like this - read more how to decrease evenly in this lesson. Happy knitting!
30.09.2020 - 08:35Anina Larsen a écrit:
Jeg er ny i strømpestrikning, så jeg har rigtig stor glæde af jeres videoer. Findes der en video der viser hvordan man tager ind efter hælen og opsamling af masker? Jeg har ledt ved søgning men uden held
31.03.2020 - 13:51DROPS Design :
Hei Anina. Om du skriver HÆL i søkeordet under video (Søg alle videoer), kommer de videoene vi har om hæl opp. Om du strikker en sokk med den beskrivelsen du skriver over, la oss vite hvilken DROPS oppskrift det er, så skal vi få laget en video :) mvh DROPS design
27.04.2020 - 09:52Inger Bjørg Gressbakken a écrit:
Rigtig god opskrift på hæl, men ak hvordan kommer man videre derfra, altså samler masker op og strikker foden??? Mvh. Inger
16.09.2019 - 20:03Barbara a écrit:
Buongiorno, questa è la mia prima calza e ho bisogno di aiuto: arrivati al punto dove mettiamo le maglie sul fermamaglie (centro sopra del piede) e dobbiamo lavorare a coste avanti e dietro sulle maglie del tallone per un tot di cm dice di INSERIRE UN SEGNAPUNTI NEL LAVORO....non capisco dove lo devo inserire... Grazie, saluti
11.08.2019 - 23:52DROPS Design :
Buongiorno Barbara. Per rispondere correttamente, ci sarebbe utile avere l’indicazione del modello che sta seguendo. Se il segnapunti serve come riferimento per prendere le misure, è sufficiente che lo inserisca sulla riga indicata ( all’inizio). Prenderà poi le misure da quella riga. Se serve invece come riferimento per diminuzioni, viene generalmente indicato tra quali maglie inserire il segnapunti. Buon lavoro!
13.08.2019 - 09:07Kristofer a écrit:
Varför så snabbt, som nybörjare har jag inte en chans att hänga med.
18.03.2019 - 15:15Aja De Haas a écrit:
Ik mag graaag breien
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Barbara Chatelain a écrit:
What is this heel flap called ? is it different then regular USA heel flaps ? I cant see the heel in the pics . TY for the pattern anyway GBU all over the world .
23.04.2022 - 20:43