Come posso ottenere un aiuto per un modello DROPS?

Come posso ottenere un aiuto per un modello DROPS?Se ci dovesse essere qualche correzione al modello, il modello verrà aggiornato sul sito. Qualsiasi correzione effettuata dopo che i cataloghi sono stati stampati verrà indicata nella sezione delle “Correzioni” sotto “Modelli” nel menù in alto del sito. Se avete bisogno di un supporto più specifico, dovete contattare il negozio dove avete comprato il filato.

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Commenti (388)

Georgina Lee wrote:

On your pattern DROPS 153-14 DROPS design: pattern no cm-004 I really don't understand A.1-A.5 for the instructions I am not really good at charts is there a version written out . Thanks Georgina

02.09.2017 - 07:49:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lee, read diagrams from the bottom corner on the right side towards the left on every round (they are read bottom up). You will find just above diagrams all text matching symbols. For any further assistance reading diagram remember your DROPS store will help you even per mail or telephone. Happy knitting!

04.09.2017 - 11:27:

Heather wrote:

I have just started the Bohemian Blues Poncho, and need help in Round 2: work 1 dc in 3rd ch worked. Please can you explain how this should be worked? My interpretation is that I should place a dc into the 3rd ch space of the 6 chs just chained. Should any chains be added before continuing to the next section, *-* ? Thanks so much.

29.08.2017 - 07:17:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Heather, at the beg of row 2 this pattern crochet 6 ch then work 1 dc in 3rd ch from hook (= first 3 ch = 1st dc on round, last 3 ch + dc = picot). Then just repeat from *-* as explained. Happy crocheting!

30.08.2017 - 09:37:

Sally Falb wrote:

I'm creating the Celtic Dancer slippers and am confused by one part of the cable instructions. In the 3-stitch cable it says to slip 1 st on cable needle (either behind or in front of piece), and then: K2, P/K 1 from cable needl or P/K 1, K2. How do I determine whether the stitch from the cable needle is P or K considering that I'm knitting in the round? Thanks for your help...the sooner the better as it's a Christmas gift.

02.12.2016 - 20:57:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Falb, in this pattern, you will have to work either K or P following diagram, ie you should have P sts on either side of cable and moss st in the middle. Happy knitting!

05.12.2016 - 10:39:

Diane Wickizer wrote:

I can\"t get the squares for Sweet Martine Poncho to line up correctly. They are the same size but I can not understand the layout placement on the printout. Are their any other instruction.

06.10.2016 - 21:43:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Wickizer, in this pattern, place the 8 squares as shown in diag. A.5 there should be 1 square for each tip at mid front and mid back (squares with a white circle), along top of each of both upper sides sew one square, then sew another square along this one and one more, then sew the last side of squares to the upper edge of square on tip. Sew them tog in outer loop of edge sts. Happy assembly!

07.10.2016 - 09:31:

Kathy wrote:

DROPS 125-32 HAT with Strips Please tell me the meaning of: 1. Crochet 4-4 ch, I understand 4 ch but what is extra 4 in Crochet 4- stand for. 2. Round 1: 5-6 DC in ring, why is there 2 numbers (5-6) it's confusing, is it for S/M and L-XL. Thank you, Kathy

20.07.2016 - 03:57:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kathy, 1st number applies to 1st size (= S/M) and 2nd number applies to 2nd size (= L/XL), so that you crochet 4 chains in both sizes, but in size S/M you crochet 5 dc in ring and in size L/XL you crochet 6 dc in ring. Happy crocheting!

20.07.2016 - 09:10:

Jobin Annette wrote:

Merci pour vos modèles je les consulte régulièrement. Ma question est . c,est quoi un domino je ne conet pas ça. Merci pour votre réponse.

25.04.2016 - 21:15:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Jobin, c'est une façon de jouer avec des augmentations ou des diminutions pour obtenir un carré/un losange/un rectangle en fonction des modèles (voir exemples et cette vidéo par exemple. Bon tricot!

26.04.2016 - 09:37:

Julien Muriel wrote:

Bonjour je voudrais savoir ce que signifie une augmentation en facede la premierem. du rang alleret la dernieres m. des rangs retour c est le en face que je ne saisie pas trop ce n est pas pour ce modele merci

19.04.2016 - 19:45:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Julien, pourriez-vous indiquer le numéro du modèle que vous réalisez, il sera ainsi plus simple de vous répondre de façon plus claire. Merci.

20.04.2016 - 08:31:

Lola Garay-Gordovil Roldán wrote:

¿Cómo puedo interpretar un patrón que está en italiano? ¿Me podrían dar la traducción de las abreviaturas?

06.09.2015 - 13:17:

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Lola, no se si te refieres a algún patrón que no esté traducido al español. Puedes indicarnos cual es para ver si le podemos dar prioridad para traducir. Si no es el caso en el apartado de tips and help - glosario puedes elegir la traducción de inglés a italiano o, si te resulta complicado, mirar primero inglés - español y una vez que has localizado el termino en inglés mirarlo en el glosario inglés italiano para obtener la traducción porque no hay disponible una traducción directa español italiano.

08.09.2015 - 10:44:

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