Honey comb pattern

Keywords: cable, chart, smock, texture,

This Honey comb pattern is worked with the help of a a cable needle following a chart (1 edge st each side K on every row):
We already have worked 1 repetition of the chart plus the first 2 rows of next repetition. Now we are starting from 3rd row down in right corner on the chart like this:
3rd row (RS): K1 edge st, slip 2 sts on cable needle behind piece, K2, K2 from cable needle. Then slip 2 sts on cable needle in front of piece, K2, K2 from cable needle, K1 edge st.
4th row (WS): K1 edge st, P across, K1 edge st
5th row (RS): K1 edge st, K across, K1 edge st
6th row (WS): as 4th row.
7th row (RS): K1 edge st, slip 2 sts on cable needle in front of piece, K2, K2 from cable needle. Then slip 2 sts on cable needle behind piece, K2, K2 from cable needle, K1 edge st
8th row (WS): as 4th row.
Now 2 full vertical repeats are worked of this pretty honey comb pattern.

To see a pattern with this technique, see: småDROPS 23-19 or one of the picture to the left.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (3)

Rosamaria Sciortino wrote:

Sempre ben spiegati e ilustrati, con aiuti tali da non poter sbagliare,nemmeno per una sbadata come me, i vostri modelli, tutti di buon gusto, con varie talie e tanta generosità. Grazie!

16.08.2022 - 03:57

Paula wrote:

I have been working on the My Honey sweater-I am confused as to when I should add the markers dividing the front and the back. Thank you for clearing that up for me-

07.12.2017 - 23:05

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Paula, in this pattern divide piece as follows: work 62-62-70-70-78 sts, insert a marker (= front piece), work 112-112-128-128-144 sts, insert a marker (= back piece), work the last 62-62-70-70-78 sts (= front piece). Happy knitting!

08.12.2017 - 08:50

H Williams wrote:

I am confused about how to do this stitch on a circular needle. Do I knit and purl rows that do not need the cable needle?

12.02.2015 - 22:48

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Williams, if you are working in rows with the circular needle, just follow the pattern and video (RS rows: Knit the sts and cables - WS rows: Purl all sts) - if you are working in the round, you will K all sts in diagram (no WS rows). Happy knitting!

13.02.2015 - 11:15

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