Jak háčkovat papučky DROPS Extra 0-888

Keywords: papučky,

V této video-ukázce DROPS si ukážeme, jak háčkovat papučky DROPS Extra 0-888.
Dle návodu háčkujeme papučky přízí DROPS Snow a DROPS Alpaca Bouclé, ale v naší ukázce používáme pouze přízi DROPS Snow.

Kromě této ukázky je nutné si přečíst také návod, úplný popis získáte kliknutím na fotku níže.

Chcete-li se podívat, jak tyto papučky dokončit a připevnit vázačky s bambulí, podívejte se na: Jak dokončit papučky DROPS Extra 0-888

Komentáře (10)

Denise Lafortune wrote:

Pattern very easy to follow. I already have 3 pairs done and my kids love them. Thank you

03.07.2022 - 23:21

Dalche Sylvie wrote:

Très très bon tuto, très facile à suivre merci

28.02.2017 - 17:15

Marie wrote:

Ca semble très bien mais EN francais ce serait mieux pour moi et d'autres Merci

02.02.2017 - 07:07

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Marie, Nos vidéos sont muettes. Nous sommes une compagnie active au niveau mondial et nos vidéos sont regardées par des internautes du monde entier, parlant des langues différentes, dont beaucoup ne comprennent pas le français. Retrouvez ici les explications de ce modèle en français. Bon crochet!

02.02.2017 - 10:48

Sher wrote:

I was watching your video, the stitches that you used were not dc or trebles,they were in fact single crochets and doubles....

10.01.2017 - 16:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Sher, US- and UK-English do use different crochet terminology, find them all here. Happy crocheting!

11.01.2017 - 09:39

Yashwani wrote:

Why would I contact the store I bought my yarn for your pattern? I\\\\\\\'m confused. If you are offering patterns do you not provide the service to overstand the patterns? I ask because I have never seen a pattern written without telling how many chains to begin with. You state that the pattern is 10 sc x 11 rows, but as I look at the video the chains that I counted are 13. I just would like a little clarity so that I can enjoy making this product. If not, thanks anyway.

22.10.2016 - 16:52

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Yashwani, remember you will always get more individual help & tips from the store where you bought your yarn. In this video, we are starting with 13 chains as explained in the pattern for the cuff. Happy crocheting!

24.10.2016 - 12:01

Yashwani wrote:

Getting started I do not have the size needle or yarn that you are working with. I work with smaller needles for tighter stitching. So, my question is how many inches should the first chain row be? I get 4 ST to equal 1\" ?

18.10.2016 - 05:15

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Yashwani, this pattern has been written for a gauge of 10sc x 11 rows = 10 x 10 cm. Adjust to your own gauge if necessary. For any further help and personnal assistance you are welcome to contact the store where you bought your yarn. Happy crocheting!

18.10.2016 - 10:28

Meifu wrote:

Hallo, ich bin begeistert von ihrer Seite nur eins vermisse ich. In den Videos stehen die Kommentare leider nicht auch in deutsch. Leider kann ich kein englisch und das macht das Verstehen nicht leicht. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Meifu

13.07.2016 - 02:05

Andrea Vaughan wrote:

I am almost done my 2nd slipper (of my first pair,) I can tell you now...I will be making many more..It goes together very quickly and easily. I love, love, love this pattern and the videos really helped a lot..I am so proud of my slipper boots..they turned out great..THANKS :)

14.01.2016 - 17:06

Laura Salter wrote:

I can not figure out how to get the pattern for this slipper..can you help me please

05.01.2016 - 07:35

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Salter, please click here for the pattern of these slippers in UK-English (choose language under picture if necessary). Happy crocheting!

05.01.2016 - 09:23

Henriette Frenette wrote:

J ai aimer falre les pantouf merci

20.11.2015 - 20:25

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