Kuidas kududa skeeme DROPS Baby 5-10

Keywords: jakk, palmik, skeem,

Selles DROPSi videos me näitame, kuidas kududa palmikuid ja topeltpärlkude skeemidel M.1, M.2, M.4 ja M.5. Me koome rea alguses ja lõpus 2 parempidi silmust (pr), ning 1 ph töö PP pool (1 pr töö PH pool) enne ja pärast iga skeemi.

Video järgimiseks tuleb lugeda ka tervet juhendit ja vaadata skeeme.
Vaata tervet juhendit, klikkides pildil allpool.

Kommentaarid (2)

Diana wrote:

This is extremely weird, she is very hard to follow and even worse with no sound

21.12.2021 - 04:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Diana, the video is worked with purl stitches with the Norwegian method - you can click on the wheel to change settings and slow the video down. Hope it will help, Our videos have no sound since we are an international company and not every knitter can understand English, remember to follow the pattern and the diagram at the same time as you watch the video. Happy kniting!

21.12.2021 - 07:40

Kathy Morse wrote:

When doing a chart is done left to right or right to left

10.01.2018 - 21:07

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Morse, start reading diagram from RS from the bottom corner on the right side towards the left and from the left towards the right from WS. Happy knitting!

15.01.2018 - 11:00


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