SUSANNA wrote:
Sto cercando di fare questo modello e sono riuscita ad arrivare alla riga 6 grazie al tutoria dello schema. Adesso trovo molta difficolta perchè mi dice di ripetere la riga 5 e 6 fino ad arrivvare a 78cm. ma la riga 5 non mi torna, c'è scritto di fare gli aumenti ma non trovo spiegati gli aumenti. Aspetto fiduciosa la risposta perchè è molto bello e fino ad esso era anche semplice. Grazie Susanna
27.07.2023 - 16:11DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Susanna, seguendo lo schema, nelle righe 5 e 6 lavorerà degli aumenti. Buon lavoro!
31.07.2023 - 19:39
Olga wrote:
Hello, The first row of the shawl says: "ROW 1: Work 8 ch, in ch-ring work 1 dc (= the middle) + 4 ch + 1 dtr. Turn." but the video shows 3 chains and not 4, which version is the correct one please? Thank you!
16.02.2023 - 20:50DROPS Design answered:
Dear Olga, you need to work 4 chains, as in the text, to make sure that the border is not too tight. Happy crocheting!
16.02.2023 - 22:26
Silvia Tessuto wrote:
É um xale muito bonito, mas estou tendo dificuldade para entender a explicação para terminá-lo. Na receita diz para repetir as carreiras 5 e 6, aumentando, na carreira 6, de 6 para 8 correntinhas. Se eu fizer isto, a próxima carreira do trabalho ficará no avesso, e na receita diz para começar a borda pelo direito. Qual o erro que estou cometendo? Muito obrigada pela atenção.
01.01.2020 - 18:26DROPS Design answered:
Prezada Silvia, Você termina o corpo do xaile com uma carreira 6 (do avesso), começando, depois, a borda. Confira: A cerca de 78 cm de altura total - medir ao meio e ajustar a altura para depois de 1 carreira como a carreira 5 com aumentos – crochetar 1 carreira a mais como a carreira 6 com aumentos – mas substituir todos os aros de 6 pc por 8 pc. A peça mede cerca de 80 cm. Não cortar o fio, fazer, então, a orla (a carreira seguinte começa pelo direito). Bom Croché!
02.01.2020 - 09:48
Henriette wrote:
Erreur d'écriture de ma part: dernier rang sur l'endroit.
11.04.2019 - 22:57
Henriette wrote:
Bonjour, pour terminer: un rang 6 en crochetant 8 ml à la place des 6 ml. Ensuite, puisqu'on ne coupe pas le fil, pour débuter la bordure, on se retrouvera sur l'envers? Puis le dernier rang se fera sur l'envers...? D'avance merci.
11.04.2019 - 22:54DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Henriette, après le rang dernier rang 6 (= avec 8 ml au lieu de 6), vous tournez et crochetez le rang 1 de la bordure sur l'endroit - le dernier rang (= rang 2) de la bordure sera sur l'envers, mais le châle reste réversible quoi qu'il arrive. Bon crochet!
12.04.2019 - 08:58
Henriette wrote:
Bonjour, après le rang 5et 6, que signifie répéter ces 2 rangs avec des augmentations ? Faut-il ajouter un arceau de 1B , 6 ml, 1 B ? Merci.
08.04.2019 - 15:28DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Henriette, en répétant les rangs 5 et 6, vous aurez naturellement plus de mailles de chaque côté de la maille centrale, continuez simplement comme le montre de le diagramme, en répétant les séquences entre les côtés et la maille centrale, et crochetez la maille centrale comme indiqué. Bon crochet!
08.04.2019 - 16:23
Veronica wrote:
Hola! quiero saber cuantas veces tengo que aumentar la hilera 5 y la 6 antes de comenzar con el diagrama A.2. Muchas gracias por su ayuda!
27.07.2018 - 18:41DROPS Design answered:
Hola Veronica. El diagrama A.2 muestra la orilla inferior del chal. Puedes comenzar a trabajar después de que la labor mida 80 cm ( medidas por el centro del chal) o el largo deseado.
31.07.2018 - 12:21
Very pretty I did it in Caron Simply Soft party (Snow Sparkle) for my daughter's wedding. Thank you.
10.07.2018 - 19:48Teresa Nunes wrote:
Lovely pattern. Thank you. How do I work the increase on repeating rows 5 and 6? How do I increase?
18.04.2018 - 19:43DROPS Design answered:
Der Mrs Nunes, you will crochet as before on row 5 but there will be more chain spaces before and after the middle chain-space and work as before on row 6 but there will be more stitch groups/ch-spaces before and after the middle stitch. Happy crocheting!
19.04.2018 - 10:32Nina wrote:
Nu är jag riktigt förvirrad, trots att jag är en van virkare. I mönstret står det för varv 1 att det ska virkas en stolpe, men när jag tittar på instruktionsvideon är det definitivt inte en vanlig stolpe som visas. Det skrivna mönstret fortsätter sedan med 4 lm, men på filmen virkas endast 3 stycken. Så hur ska det egentligen vara? Instämmer med en tidigare kommentar om att det hela säkert skulle bli aningen lättare att begripa om HELA varven visades i diagramform.
20.01.2018 - 19:48
Evening Breath |
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Crochet DROPS shawl with fan pattern in ”Delight”.
DROPS 162-12 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. The diagrams show the shawl seen from RS. A.x shows middle of shawl, and diagram is reversed on opposite side of the middle. FAN: 3 dtr + 2 ch + 3 dtr around same st. ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: Worked back and forth from mid back and down. Work 5 ch on hook size 4 mm with Delight and form 1 ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work according to diagram A.1, i.e. work as follows: ROW 1: Work 8 ch, in ch-ring work 1 tr (= the middle) + 4 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. ROW 2: 7 ch, in first ch-space work 1 FAN – see explanation above, work 2 ch, 1 dtr in next tr (= middle), 2 ch, in next ch-space work 1 fan + 3 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. ROW 3: 7 ch, 1 tr in first ch-space, 4 ch, 1 dc in ch-space in next fan, 4 ch, in next dtr work 1 tr + 6 ch (= middle) + 1 tr, work 4 ch, 1 dc in ch in next fan, 4 ch, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 3 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. ROW 4: 7 ch, work 1 fan in first ch-space, 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, in next ch-space work 1 fan + 2 ch + 1 dtr (= the middle) + 2 ch + 1 fan, work 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, in next ch-space work 1 fan + 3 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. ROW 5: 7 ch, 1 tr in first ch-space, 4 ch, 1 dc in ch-space in next fan, 4 ch, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 6 ch + 1 tr, work 4 ch, 1 dc in ch-space in next fan, 4 ch, in next dtr work 1 tr + 6 ch (= the middle) + 1 tr, work 4 ch, 1 dc in ch-space in next fan, 4 ch, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 6 ch + 1 tr, work 4 ch, 1 dc in ch-space in next fan, 4 ch, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 3 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. ROW 6: 7 ch, work 1 fan in first ch-space, work 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, 1 fan in next ch-space, 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, in next ch-space work 1 fan + 2 ch + 1 dtr (= middle) + 2 ch + 1 fan, work 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, work 1 fan in next ch-space, 1 dc in next ch-space, 6 ch, 1 dc in next ch-space, in next ch-space work 1 fan + 3 ch + 1 triple tr. Turn. Repeat rows 5 to 6 with inc. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When piece measures approx. 78 cm measured in the middle – adjust after a row like 5th row with inc – work a row more as 6th row with inc – but replace every ch-space with 6 ch with 8 ch. Piece measures approx. 80 cm. Do not cut the yarn, work an edge from here (next row beg from RS). CROCHET EDGE: Work according to diagram A.2, i.e. work as follows: ROW 1: 1 ch, * in ch-space in next fan work 5 triple tr + 2 ch + 5 triple tr, work 1 dc in next ch-space *, repeat from *-* until 1 fan remain before dtr in the middle, in ch-space in next fan work 5 triple tr + 2 ch + 5 triple tr, work 1 dc in next dtr (= middle), * in ch-space in next fan work 5 triple tr + 2 ch + 5 triple tr, work 1 dc in next ch-space *, repeat from *-* until 1 fan remains at the end of row, in ch-space in next fan work 5 triple tr + 2 ch + 5 triple tr, work 1 dc in last ch-space. Turn. ROW 2: 1 ch, * skip 1 triple tr, 1 dc in next triple tr, 1 htr in next triple tr, 1 tr in each of the next 2 triple tr, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 1 dtr + 5 ch + 1 dtr + 1 tr, work 1 tr in each of the next 2 triple tr, 1 htr in next triple tr, 1 dc in next triple tr, skip 1 triple tr, 1 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* until 1 dc has been worked in dc in the middle, work 5 ch (= middle), 1 dc in same dc, * skip 1 triple tr, 1 dc in next triple tr, 1 htr in next triple tr, 1 tr in each of the next 2 triple tr, in next ch-space work 1 tr + 1 dtr + 5 ch + 1 dtr + 1 tr, work 1 tr in each of the next 2 triple tr, 1 htr in next triple tr, 1 dc in next triple tr, 1 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of row. Fasten off. |
Diagram explanations |
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