Dea wrote:
Buonasera, nell'ultimo pezzo della spiegazione del bordo bisogna fare una maglia bassa in ogni maglia alta tripla ad ogni angolo di ogni piastrella perché non è doppia quella d'angolo.
02.02.2023 - 18:05DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Dea, abbiamo corretto il testo: grazie per la segnalazione. Buon lavoro!
13.02.2023 - 22:50
Anahita Chothia wrote:
In the third round, if a 1 ch is done after every stitch, it leaves a gap in between stitches. Is it correct?
24.06.2020 - 15:26DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Chothia, this is correct :) Happy crocheting!
24.06.2020 - 17:05
Emma Lundqvist wrote:
Hej, Kan ni inte lägga upp ett diagram för själva rutan? Skulle vara så mycket enklare (för mig) :) Tack.
25.04.2020 - 05:34DROPS Design answered:
Hei Emma. Det har vi dessverre ikke til denne ruten. Men ta en titt på videoen , kanskje den kan være til hjelp. mvh DROPS design.
27.04.2020 - 14:50
Maria wrote:
Hermoso, muchas gracias por compartir gratuitamente!!!
30.12.2019 - 15:57
Mimmi wrote:
Hei! Jeg sliter litt med å forstå sammenheklingen. Skal jeg først hekle sammen to ruter, kutte tråden, så to andre ruter, kutte tråden, og så hekle de fire rutene sammen ved å hekle en side inn til midten, kutte tråden og så den andre siden av midten? Siden det skal bli et hull/runding på hjørnene av de sammenheklede rutene. Eller er det en lettere måte å gjøre det på? Håper på raskt svar da jeg bare har noen dager på meg til jeg skal ha ferdig teppet.
16.02.2016 - 17:33DROPS Design answered:
Hej Mimmi, Du hækler først alle ruder sammen 2 og 2 på langs, derefter hækler du rækkerne sammen 2 og 2 på tværs. Diagrammet viser bare hvor du hækler sammen i ruden. God fornøjelse!
03.03.2016 - 11:56
Arsel wrote:
Bonjour, pour assembler, dois-je couper le fil à chaque fois que je crochète les deux carrés ensemble ? Merci
16.03.2015 - 14:10DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Arsel, on assemble les carrés 2 par 2 d'abord dans un sens puis dans l'autre, comme dans la vidéo ci-dessous (motifs différents mais assemblage identique). Bon crochet!
16.03.2015 - 17:50
Penny Balding wrote:
The pattern instructions of assembly don't seem to be the same as in the photo of the finished shawl. The assembly says sl st in approx every 3 dtr. But it looks like a number of chain that links up the squares. Please could you advise. Thankyou.
21.04.2014 - 18:46DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Balding, see video below to crochet squares together - follow the pattern for number of ch/sts. You should crochet 5 sts from each squares together as shown in chart. Happy crocheting!
22.04.2014 - 09:29
Veerle wrote:
De aangegeven hoeveelheid garen voor dit patroon klopt niet! Ik heb maar 19 vierkantjes kunnen haken die overeen komen met de 14 x 14 cm die de vierkantjes moeten meten. Ik heb al 250 gram verbruikt en heb nu een vierkantje te weinig en geen garen meer om alle vierkantjes aan elkaar te haken. Hoeveel gram garen is er hier nog voor nodig? Hopelijk passen jullie het snel aan. Ook in de andere 'listing' dit zelfde patroon.
22.11.2013 - 12:56DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Veerle. We hebben nog niet eerder een opmerking op dit patroon gehad betreffend de hoeveelheid. Wij maken een notitie ervan en laten ons Design team na kijken.
22.11.2013 - 15:49Helen wrote:
I thought this was easy to make and I like how the squares fit together. It is nice for the stroller.
16.08.2013 - 15:36
Els wrote:
Ik zou erg graag een schematisch patroon van deze mooie granny gebruiken om deze deken te maken. Kunt u me hieraan helpen?
03.06.2013 - 21:01DROPS Design answered:
Beste Els. We hebben helaas geen tekening van deze granny beschikbaar. Volgt u de geschreven beschrijving, dan komt u ook uit. Ik hoop dat u zo verder kunt.
04.06.2013 - 15:38
Daisy Meadow |
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Crochet DROPS blanket in 2 threads of Alpaca. Theme: Baby blanket
DROPS Baby 13-20 |
Crochet gauge: 1 square should measure 14 x 14 cm using 2 threads of Alpaca. The blanket consists of 20 squares crochet together. 1 square: Crochet 4 ch on hook size 4.5 with 2 threads of Alpaca and make a loop with a sl st. 1st round: 3 ch (= 1 tr), *1 ch, 1 tr around the loop*, repeat from *-* a total of 7 times and finish with 1 ch and 1 sl st in the 3rd ch from beginning of round, (= 8 tr on round). 2nd round: 3 ch (= 1 tr), *3 ch, 1 tr in the next tr*, repeat from *-* a total of 7 times and finish with 3 ch and 1 sl st in the 3rd ch from beginning of round, (= 8 tr on round). 3rd round: Crochet as follows in each ch loop: 1 dc, 1 ch, 1 tr, 1 ch, 1 dtr, 1 ch, 1 dtr, 1 ch, 1 tr, 1 ch and 1 dc. Finish with a sl st in the 1st dc from beginning of round, (= 8 leaves on round). 4th round: 4 ch (= 1 dtr = 1. corner), *5 ch, 1 dc in the top of the next leaf (between the 2 dtr sts), 4 ch, 1 dc in the top of the next leaf, 5 ch, 1 dtr between the 2 dc in between 2 leaves*, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times, but finish with a sl st in the 4th ch from beginning of round, (instead of a dtr in between 2 leaves) = 12 loops around the square with a dtr in each corner 5th round: In the corner dtr crochet as follows: 4 ch (= 1 dtr), 2 ch, 1 treble tr, 2 ch and 1 dtr. Continue to crochet 4 dtr in each loop. In the dtr st at the remaining 3 corners crochet 1 dtr, 2 ch, 1 treble tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr. Finish the round with a sl st in the 4th ch from beginning of round. Cut and sew the threads. Assembly: Crochet the squares together as shown in diagram 1 (this means a sl st in approx. every 3 dtr). Crochet the squares tog first vertically and then horizontally with 4 squares in the width and 5 squares in the height. Crochet edge: At last crochet an edge of ch loops all around the blanket on hook size 4.5 with 2 threads of off-white Alpaca as follows: 1 dc in the treble tr at the corner, *6 ch, skip approx. 2 dtr, 1 dc in the next dtr*, repeat from *-* and finish the round with 6 ch and 1 sl st in the 1st dc on round –make sure to have 1 dc in each treble tr at the 2 corners each square. |
Diagram explanations |
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