European shoulder (pieces worked together)

In this lesson, we show you step-by-step how to increase for the armholes, join the two front pieces and then how to join the front and back pieces. We follow the pattern for a children’s sweater Sweet Peppermint (DROPS Children 47-12) in size 2 years, but remember to follow the stitch numbers/increases for your chosen size!

At the bottom of the page you'll find a video which might be of help. as well as a form where you can ask our experts for help if you were to need it!

Let’s get started!

We have already worked the first part of the back piece and both front shoulder pieces. We are now ready to join the pieces and increase for the front armholes.

We are working with 2 yarn qualities, DROPS Lima color no. 9029, sage green and DROPS Kid-Silk color no 45, soft mint, using needle size 5 MM = US 8. We are using 1 strand of each quality, or the yarn and stitch number given in the pattern you are working on.

Work as follows from the right side: Stockinette stitch over the 18 stitches from the right front shoulder.

Cast on 12 stitches for the neck at the end of this row.

Continue with stockinette stitch over the 18 stitches from the left front shoulder = 48 stitches.

Work stockinette stitch back and forth until the piece measures 11 cm = 4⅜", measured outermost along the armhole.

Now increase 1 stitch for each armhole, increasing inside the outermost 3 stitches on each side (from the right side).
At the beginning of the row after the first 3 stitches, use the left needle to pick up thread between 2 stitches from the previous row, pick up thread from front.

Knit the back loop.

Work stockinette stitch until there are 3 stitches left and increase for the second armhole as follows:
Use the left needle to pick up the thread between 2 stitches from the previous row, pick up thread from behind.

Knit the front loop.

Increase every 2nd row (each row from the right side) a total of 4 times = 56 stitches.

Continue with stockinette stitch until the piece measures 15 cm = 6" (from the knitted-up stitches). The front and back pieces should be of the same length, measured from the shoulder seam closest to the neck. Now join the front and back pieces for the body as described below.

Work stockinette stitch over the 56 stitches from the front piece, cast on 6 stitches at the end of the row (= side).

Work stockinette stitch over the 56 stitches from the back piece.

Cast on 6 stitches at the end of the row = 124 stitches.

Work stockinette stitch in the round, until the piece measures 30 cm = 11¾" measured from the top of the shoulder on the front piece. Knit 1 round and increase 20 stitches evenly spaced = 144 stitches. Increasing like this, before the rib gives a neat transition between the body and the rib.

Change to circular needle size 3.5 MM = US 4. Work rib (knit 2, purl 2) for 6 cm = 2 ⅜". Bind off a little loosely with rib. The sweater measures approx. 36 cm = 14¼" from the top front shoulder.

The back and front pieces have now been joined and worked to the finished length.

The next step is to work the sleeves. See how in our next lesson: European shoulders (sleeves).

Do you need help?

If you require further information about different stitches or techniques, you will find a list of videos and lessons here, which might be of help: